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Old 09-25-2010, 04:46 AM   #24 (permalink)
The Narrator
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The Narrator
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Originally Posted by Noel Laurent View Post
He was surprised, that it only took a few tugs to pull the, purple by the looks of it, flower from the ground. Taking a step back, he shook it slightly to get any dirt or rocks off of the bottom. He would like to stay somewhat clean and unharmed when he got out of this cave. If he ever got out that is. It didn't seem likely that he was going to stay clean either and he had no knowledge if he was going to get out completely unharmed. He got himself this far, so it only encouraged him some that he would make it through the rest.

Raising the umbrella flower like thing, the stalk of the plant surprised him. It felt almost as durable as wood, yet soft as any stem of a plant would be. Noel’s eyebrows knitted together with the frown on his face as he turned and twisted the plant around to get a better look at the stem and roots. Well, it wasn’t the prettiest thing in the world, regardless of it's nice color, but it would definitely do with protecting himself. Or used as a weapon. Smirking at the thought of finding something that he could use to defend himself, the wizard lowered the plant to have a look at the top only to realize, that it gave resistance as the wind hit below it.

Resistance? This, could perhaps help him in any case if he were to fall down the drop in the cave; if only enough where he wouldn't break all his bones. If he had a bunch of them tied to him though? Looking around at all the umbrella flowers in the area he somehow gotten himself into, the wheels turned in his mind as his eyes finally laid upon the flitterbloom vines swaying against the wall. He seriously hoped that he was able to use those and not have to rely on these flower things to get down to the bottom of the hole in the ground.

Setting the umbrella flower down on the ground near the fireseeds, giving no look to see how those glowing miracles were at the moment were doing, his eyes were fixed onto the vines as he drew nearer, looking for one that he could use.

He could use all of them really, but he didn’t want a weakened vine. Falling to his death was not on his list of plans to do in life as of yet.

Picking a vine, he took several steps back before giving a might tug to the thing.
The vine was soft and squishy in the champion's hands. It seemed to hold against the wall, but after only one tug, who could tell if it would continue to?

The tunnel was full of these vines, piled along the sides, creeping up the walls, jammed between the colorful umbrella flowers.
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