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The Gryffindor boy blinked at the French girl a couple of times.
It was slightly difficult to understand what she was saying because of her accent yet hopefully the boy could figure out the words she was pronouncing. And what she was saying was still confusing to the boy not because of the accent but because of the meaning the boy comprehended. Evelyn got him in a spin? Okay maybe that was right but what was with Patroclus? He did not understand that part or his mind simply refused to understand it.
He watched the beautiful girl laugh which made him smile. She was some beauty to look at. Adorable actually but he knew she was at least 2 years older than him so attempting to flirt her would be a lame effort. ''No no, do not stop'' he said jumping off the desk and taking a step towards her ''I want to hear it.'' Whatever it was.
Then his attention was turned to something else. ''Teach me what exactly?''
Brielle looked at the boy directly in the eyes, "
I don't want to up zet you, zo I will go no further." She smiled, "
But if you 'aven't I zuggezt you make your feelings known....." The french girl wicked.
Brielle was rather preceptive person, and what she had seen at the Goblet spoke volumes.
Teach you to dance!" Brielle grinned,
"I 'eard you were ze Mazter of Everything! Zurely you will up for ze challenge!" Brielle could see potential, but it would come down to where or not Josh, found Ballet to be a girly past-time. However there was nothing more attractive to Brielle, than a man who didn't care what others thought.