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Old 09-25-2010, 01:15 AM   #21 (permalink)
Brielle Lambert
Beauxbatons Student
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 276

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brielle Lambert
Seventh Year

Originally Posted by The Narrator View Post
As you walk, the source of the sound eventually makes itself apparent. Honking daffodils. Noisy, to be sure, but harmless. Unless, of course, you value your eardrums.

As you proceed further through the tunnel, you come across an area that is, for the most part, quite sparse. There are a few patches of grass scattered here and there, but nothing is thickly, grown, or settled. Then suddenly, the surroundings change, and although the area is very dark and it’s difficult to see, a few creepers and tendrils can clearly be seen. As you walk a little closer, you can see that there aren’t just a few creepers and tendrils, but there are many, and all are blocking every single way around the plant that lies before you. There’s no other way out than to figure out what you’ve come across and to find the solution to getting past it.
As she continued through the cave, Brielle tried her best to drown out the noise, but there was no way she could.

She pushed on, her head pounding as the sound reached its crescendo, over and over and over again. It may have just been inside her head, but the Beauxbaton was sure that the sounds was growing, getting louder with every step. Her heart began to race, nervous at what she may find as the origin of the sound.

Rounding a corner, Brielle’s Fire Seed Light, fell on what seemed to be a simple Daffodil, expect for one crucial fact; it was Honking. So she had found the source of the horrific sound, and she couldn’t help but wonder whether it was her Plant Man that was the creator of this task, so far it had been plants galore!

The closer she got, the louder and more incessant the noise became. “Soyez tranquille!” she called at the plant, hoping it had ears aswell as a honking mouth, however it didn’t seem like it had worked. Giving the flower a wide berth, just in case it should decide to attack her, Brielle scooted past and tried to put as much distance between her and her head ache.

“Finally!” Brielle muttered, as the she stopped and realised she could no longer hear the Daffodils. Taking stock of her surroundings, Brielle was surprised to see the cave section was rather bare, hardly any stalactites, or mites, just a few tuffs of some sort of cave grass.

Moving off again, this bareness quickly changed.

The light of her seeds cast shadows over what Brielle thought to be slumbering snakes, “Aww!” she muttered, she hand no wand, and she would not be able to defend herself and hold the seeds at the same time. Raising her hands, Brielle held the seed-lanterns aloft over the ‘snakes’, snaked that turned out not to be snakes, but rather a creeping vine that had blanketed the floor, and walls.

It was a dead end.

The vines were so mattered, that all she could see were walls of green vines, perhaps she should have chosen the smell over the sound back at the fork. However, in a divine reply, a small gust of air ruffled the girl’s hair, and alerted her to the fact, that the vines were blocking the entrance to another cave system.

But how to get past them?

Staring at the green sinuous tendrils, Brielle’s stomach dropped; her best guess was Devil’s Snare. She couldn’t help but break out in a wave of shivers, of all the plants in the world, the one she had to face was the one that would kill you, or kill you faster. However there was one way past, Fire, and Brielle had fire seeds, but it would mean sacrificing some of her collections. It was going to be hard but it had to be done.

Hoping they were still hot enough, Brielle calmed herself down, and then dropped one seed into the heart of the vine nest, all she could do was hope.

This is the End.
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