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Old 09-25-2010, 12:25 AM   #20 (permalink)
Noel Laurent
Beauxbatons Student
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 429

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Noel Laurent
Seventh Year

Originally Posted by The Narrator View Post
The source of the sound eventually makes itself apparent. Honking daffodils. Noisy, to be sure, but harmless. Unless, of course, you value your eardrums.

As you proceed further through the tunnel, you come across an area that is thick with massive plants in the shape of an umbrella. Plants with long, swaying tentacles are growing in large quantities on the walls of the tunnel. The plants closely resemble Devil’s Snare, but as you get a little closer, you can clearly see that those tentacles don’t belong to a Devil’s Snare but to something that looks almost just like it. You can see fairly well, but as soon as you take a few steps forward, the pathway begins to drop sharply into the dark, and you can no longer see the bottom of the cave floor. To proceed forward, you must go down---but how? Just jumping will result in broken bones.
As the noise grew a bit louder as he followed the path, he couldn’t help but wince every time the noise was exceptionally deafening. Finally though, he saw a little movement up the ways, causing him to pause and try to see what it was before going any further. It wasn’t dangerous apparently since he wasn’t being tackled to the ground or fighting for his life, it was just…very loud.

Moving closer, the glow of the seeds shined onto yellow flowers. These were making the noise?! Nonetheless, he couldn’t just stand and examine the flowers since they seemed harmless enough. Since he wasn’t being attacked and he found no use for a honking yellow flower, he needed to keep going forward. Scowling, Noel scoffed and muttered a few choice words of French under his breath before kicking one of the flowers, hoping that it would quiet the thing. Despite the fact that it was only one of the flowers, it was part of the collection that had made him jumpy. Shaking his head and chuckling more out of embarrassment then amusement, the Beauxbatons wizard continued on his way, already receiving a headache from the loud little monsters.

HA! Scared of flowers? No way…

He was however, scared of the drop in front of him that seemed as if it came out of nowhere. "Non!" he yelled, taking several steps back away from the fall, his breathing turning into hurried small breaths, matching his heart race. Perhaps, he should be paying more attention than laughing at some silly flowers. Staring at the dark hole, and as if to counter his thoughts, he had not noticed the things around him until he happened to wipe his somewhat sweating forehead onto the sleeve of his shirt. How did he miss all these plants in the first place?! The enormous umbrella shaped plants were the first to catch his eyes before his gaze trailed along what looked to be the walls of the cave. Though, were the walls moving? With his heart still pounding, he moved nearer to the walls before having to stumble back in shock once more. Devil’s snare! He needed his wand! But of course, he HAD NO wand!

A few moments of standing completely still passed before he realized, nothing was attack him once again. Not that he wasn’t thankful that he wasn’t being attacked, all this caution and barely any LIGHT was getting to him a bit. Glowering, he lowered his jacket with the seeds down to the ground before hesitantly taking one step after the other towards what he thought was the devil’s snare. Nothing was grabbing him though, which rose suspicions. Raising his hand, he slapped one of the vines before taking a leaping jump backwards just in case it caused some kind of reaction.

….Flitterbloom plants. Rubbing his face in frustration, more from himself and his actions than anything, he kept his hands over his mouth as he glanced around for an exit. Though, there was none. There was the way back from where he came and…down deeper into the cave from the drop there. It had crossed his mind that maybe he should have gone left instead, but he shook his head at the thought. He didn’t want to be breathing in whatever foul stench. Grasping his hair, causing it to mess up slightly, Noel cautiously moved closer to the drop in the cave, trying to see how far down it was. He had no way of telling! Or, perhaps he did? He didn’t want to waste any of the glowing seeds though. "Zis iz ridiculous." he quietly chuckled, taking a deep breath and looking around once more at the plants. Well, he supposed he could use the flitterblooms as rope to get down. Were they strong enough though? How far down was the drop? What if…HE dropped!? And how was he going to get these fireseeds down with him? He believed he could stuff most them in his pockets or something, but that would mean leaving some behind.

And the umbrella like plants, well he could use those as some sort of armor like thing for himself should he fall. Were they stuck to the ground though? Letting his arms drop to his sides, the champion went over to one of the plants and started to at least try to tug it away from the ground, using all of his muscles.
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