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Old 09-24-2010, 03:47 PM   #720 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Tazenhani View Post
Yesterday had been hell. Today, was a little bit better. At least, things had been worked out between Arya and him, and there were no hard feelings between Lexi and them. Danika was another matter and he could only hope that Raiden would get interviewed soon so that he could set the record straight about him and Cameron. And then there was the tournament. And the item he still had to give to Kellen. It was a better day, but his mind wasn't any less filled to the brim.

Even a warm shower hadn't helped, and so he had resigned himself to heading down to the common room; wet hair plastered against his forehead and white t-shirt slightly clinging to his still damp skin. The bandaging on his arm and side weren't as orderly as they had been when Raiden had done them, and his wounds had stung something furious with the application of soap and warm water. Probably one of the reasons his body felt so tired and heavy, and why lying down in front of the fire sounded so appealing.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he made his way over to the couches, blinking a little when he noticed Lexi sprawled out comfortably upon one of them. His first thought and instinct was to turn around and walk away, to not disturb her, but something held him in place and enticed his hand to gently nudge her foot, his voice coming a lot stronger than he felt. "Hey."
Lexi smiled as she felt Sabel nudge her foot and speak. Looking up at him she said, "Hey wanna join me. I was staring at the celing really. Nothing too exciting." She lifted her feet to signal he could sit and she would put her feetsies in his lap. Hehe. Or if he wanted she would just sit up.

Wait a minute... "Sabel, why is your arm bandaged up? What has happened?" she said with deep concern as she did sit up and pull her feet up under her. Oh man... Sabel was hurt and she didn;t know about it because she kept her distance from him due to one VERY rude boy always being around him. Yeah that Kellen Stern... she was no fan of his. Meh.

"Please, sit. I am sorry... if you would rather not talk about it that is fine, I understand," she said apologetically. She was always jumping at Sabel asking hiom questions... if he wanted to talk he would, she knew that.
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