Originally Posted by
The Narrator
As the fire seeds dropped to the ground, soft thud-type noises echoed off the tunnel walls. As a result of the minute-long wait between the fire seeds dropping to the ground and being pushed into the little nest, the temperature of the seeds dropped considerably. Their light, however, remains just as strong.
So you have a little nest of fire seeds now--how many are in that nest?
The way before you is lit at least a bit by your fire seeds, and as you walk, you'll see a fork in the cave. To the right, a cacophony of sound echoes off the walls, its source yet unseen. The dischord crescendos and speeds before disappearing from notice. It then begins again. To the left, a partial cave-in and silence. If you linger too near the left, however, a foul smell reaches your nostrils. It is pungent: the kind of smell that sticks in your head.
Choose your way carefully. There is no telling whether you can retrace your steps.
Picking up his jacket carefully, he held the little nest of fireseeds in his arms, making sure there was no hole or opening at the bottom of the light blue jacket for the seeds to fall out of. It seemed fine for now and with the little nest of glowing seeds cradled in his arms, Noel let out a slow confident breath and continued down the path, thankful that the jacket seemed to be unharmed. Then again, there wasn’t all that much light in the cave and he could be wrong. It could be burning to pieces, but no smell alerted him to such a thing.
Making the slight twist in the cave before setting off further, once again, he could only hear his breathing and sliding footsteps on the ground. However, he was beginning to become more aware of how loud he was being. His confidence had grown after getting the fireseeds which caused his breathing to become a bit quieter, though the sliding of his careful footsteps, the rustling of his clothes and his own loud drumming of his heartbeat was beginning to worry him. He didn’t know what could be lurking in these caves. Creatures that live in the dark, magic that was left from years past, cliffs and edges…
He could not hold the fireseeds out further in front of himself for fear of having them fall, nevertheless, the little light that he was being given was a great comfort. He could see at least where his feet were going and anything that was coming up a few feet in front of him. Even if it
wasn’t enough, it was good enough for now. Perhaps he should have taken more seeds. There couldn’t be more then eleven or twelve in the small nest. Should he go back? Get more?
Slowing down his turtle pace to a stop, his shining blue eyes looked downward to the glowing seeds before casting a glance to the way he came just came. There was still the faintest glow from the seeds he had left behind. Frowning and creasing his forehead in thought, his gaze turned back to the seeds before looking towards the path he was going. No, he wasn’t going back. He was wasting time as it was thinking this over and he needed to keep moving forward. Making up his mind, Noel set off for the way he was going, cradling the seeds even more to not only to keep the light close, but to keep his arms warm as well. Stiff, cold arms would do him no help if he had to defend himself in the cave. It did not take much longer for his ears to pick up a new noise. One that he was sure wasn’t being created by him. It was loud, holding no particular rhythm to it, and seems as though is was matching his own thoughts; confused, not knowing what to do.
Moments later, the glow of the seeds picked up to large shadows in his path, a fork in the cave; but nothing held his attention more then the loud ruckus going on to the side. The noise was harsh almost, growing louder then softer, quicker then slower, before stopping completely. Peering to the way of the right, where the noise was coming from, he stretched his head forward and squinted again as if that would show him what was making the noise. Unsure of the right path, he hesitantly took the steps towards the left, hearing no noises coming from here. Was it safe? No. It wasn’t. Just as he took a few more steps towards the left fork, a foul stench filled his nose, causing him to scrunch up his nose and take a step back, trying to get it away from him. But it seemed as if just stepping up to the smell, it stuck to his clothes.
"C'est horrible." He muttered, coughing as his lungs seemed to close from the foul smell. The wizard moved further away from the left side and towards the right, resisting the urge to hold his arms up to cover his mouth as he coughed, only to be startled and jump in surprise when the loud noises started up again. He would not be able to cover his nose
and hold the fireseeds at the same time without difficulty. There was only one way he had to go.
Heaving a sigh as some
slightly fresh air filled his lungs, Noel turned around and went down the right side. He would rather face whatever the noise was then to risk losing his light source.