Originally Posted by
The Narrator
As you enter the cave, the last bit of light from the outside is extinguished as the entry squeezes closed behind you. Without your wand, you're pitched into darkness and no matter how you try to adjust your eyes, it is without use. There are no shapes, no shadows, nothing.
That is, until you notice a faint glow around what seems to be a twist in the cave. As you draw nearer, it illuminates the area around it, but if you look further past, it is again black. Light, and heat, radiate from the now visible bush, indeed, radiate from each seed.
A fireseed bush.
Jermaine made his way further into the cave keeping one hand on the wall and the other in front of him. Sensing something strange behind him he turned just in time to see the opening to the cave close. Oh this was not good, not good at all. Now not only was he unarmed in a cave that houses Merlin knows what surrounded by total darkness, there was also no turning back. Of course knowing his wand was somewhere in that cave there was no way he was turning back. He was determined to get his wand back.
Standing there in the pitch black he couldn't even see his hand in front of his face. Listening for anything that may help him all he hears is the pounding of his heart. Knowing he will never find his wand if he just stands there he continues further into the blackness.
Searching for things in his mind to give him hope and inspiration to get through this task he suddenly remembers his dear Aunt Genevieve who has been blind since she was a child yet gets through every day of her life not seeing a thing. Stopping in his tracks he closes his eyes and mentally imagines himself being blind and walking in darkness every day.
'Zis is for you Tante Genevieve.' he thinks as he opens his eyes and proceeds forward with thoughts of his aunt helping him
'see' the way.
After what seemed like hours (but was in reality only a couple of minutes) of feeling his way along the cold, damp cave his heart started to race again when he noticed a glow in the not so far off distance.
Could it be the glow radiating off his beautifully polished wand?
Rushing towards the light he is slightly disappointed to see that it is not his wand. Right, he should have known that it would not be that easy to get to his wand. However he is delighted to see that it is a fireseed bush. A bush that has
light... and lots of heat.
Looking around the area he tries to find something that can help him utelize the light from the bush since it is total darkness again not far past the bush. There has to be a way for him to get the light from the bush so he can take it with him as he ventures deeper into the cave. Spotting what appears to be a stick on the ground (maybe a broken branch off the bush) he gives it a little nudge with his foot before picking it up... just in case it isn't a stick but maybe a snake instead. Relieved that it is indeed just a stick he picks it up. Now what to do with it? The only logical thing he can do...
Beat the bush with it.
Whack... Whack... Whack...
Hot seeds start to fall from the bush as he hits it with the stick. Seeds that are glowing, seeds that he will be able to take with him... once they are cool enough to touch that is. Once he feels he has
beat the bush enough plenty of seeds he starts to gather them together in one area. Using the stick he eventually gets them all together.
Now to wait for them to cool.
Starting to get a little impatient with the waiting he puts his hand just above the seeds to see if he can still feel heat coming from them. Yep, still some heat there. Probably not enough to burn his hands but enough that it would be uncomfortable to carry them. If only he had something he could put them in.
Tugging on the scarf he has around his neck he gets an idea. He wraps the scarf around his hand and scoops up the seeds. Feeling the slight warmth through the scarf he holds his hand out in front of him. The light may not be the brightest but it is enough to help him see where he is going. Praying the glow of the seeds doesn't go out too quickly he moves on deeper into the cave and hopefully closer to his wand.
He would have to remember to thank Rhea later for the scarf that was now helping him complete this task.