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Old 09-24-2010, 04:49 AM   #16 (permalink)
Brielle Lambert
Beauxbatons Student
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 276

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brielle Lambert
Seventh Year

Originally Posted by The Narrator View Post
The way before you is lit at least a bit by your fire seeds (how many do you have?), and as you walk, you'll see a fork in the cave. To the right, a cacophony of sound echoes off the walls, its source yet unseen. The dischord crescendos and speeds before disappearing from notice. It then begins again. To the left, a partial cave-in and silence. If you linger too near the left, however, a foul smell reaches your nostrils. It is pungent: the kind of smell that sticks in your head.

Choose your way carefully. There is no telling whether you can retrace your steps.
In an odd way, the clutch of Fire Seeds, eight in each palm, have a cooling affect on the girls singed palms.

"Idiot!" Brielle mutters, berating herself for her stupidity in grabbing the hot branches. However she decides to move on from it, she forcibly forgets her mistake, she needs to concentrate.
Walking down the stone tunnel, all concept of time is lost, the French Girl is unsure how long she has been in the cave for. It could have been two hours, it could have been twenty minutes. All she can do is carrying on.

The ground is lumpy underfoot, the light of the fire seeds, show her the rough terrain she is traversing. However it is not the floor beneath her that concerns her, but rather the fork up ahead.

Coming to a stop, Brielle looks into the two tunnel openings. The one on the left is partially caved-in, a sign the girl does not like. Looking at the ceiling of the cave, she tries to see whether or not it looks stable, a further cave-in would do more than just make her lose the tournament, it could kill her.

Studying the interior, Brielle sniffs the air, follow your nose the adventure book had said, but instantly Brielle wishes she had not breathed in at all.

"Mon Dieu!" She cries, putting her face into her jacket sleeve. A foul stench wafts on the air, with the smallest breath has trapped the hideous odour in her lungs. She retches trying to expel the smell, but it is no use.

The cave's have decided for her; Right it is.


As she turned her body to enter, Brielle was knocked back by the an earth-shattering sound, the noises echo in the darkness, rattling her brain. Unable to use her hands, due to them holding the seeds, Brielle is unable to cover her ears. All she can do is stand there and listen.

Silence. As quick as the sound had come, it was gone.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she goes to move on again, however the sound erupts once more, "Non!" she cries. She has to choice a way, and fast. She is between a rock, a hard place and one that smells like death. She goes with her gut, not her head, with a battle cry, Brielle takes off running into the echoing chamber.

There was no way in heaven she going to take that smell over a bit of a headache.

This is the End.
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