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Fletcher stared right back at the Tiger!Lady, his eyes slightly gazed and his mouth agape. Was. She. SERIOUS?!!!!! All this time he had wasted in here, playing her lame little games, and the WHOLE TIME his abraxan was apparently safe and sound RIGHT OUTSIDE HER DOOR?!!!!!!
"Well gee, thanks for giving me permission," he spat in a snide, sarcastic tone. "Her name is CUPCAKE, thank you." He cast one last dirty look in the professor's direction and then angrily slouched out the door, his hands in his pockets and his nose wrinkled with frustration.
Yes yes, good bye, childe. A small smirk appeared on Maya's lips, seeing the agitated boy. Oh how silly they could be. She raised her hand and wiggled her fingers in a goodbye sort of way.
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Kurumi frowned and leaned against her knees to think for a moment. "Well...I think I treated her too much like a cat." She said sitting up straight once more. "My mother, who is non-magical, gave me a book about how to train your cat and I read it cover to cover before coming to Hogwarts...My father never told me anything about magical familiars or anything...he never told me anything about magic..." Now was getting to the awkward part of the conversation. "There was a section about using a spray bottle to keep your cat from doing bad things...and..well...I think you can guess what happened..." Kurumi grabbed her skirt with her hands. "Walnut, my cat, has been angry with me since...but will come when I feed her...Is there a way I can make it up to her?" Kurumi's violet eyes were wavering a bit. She was beginning to wish that her mother had never given her that stupid book.
She treated her cat like a cat.
She used a
spraybottle on her cat?!
Maya knew she should be furious (
poor cat!), but she actually let some laughter slip and had to cover her mouth.
"Oh, I see." Haha,
"I can see why she would be so...upset. Why don't you spray yourself with some water?" Wait for it,
"Let her know you made a mistake and spray yourself." Snort. Hey, it might work.
"The fact that she still comes to you for food is a strong indication that she still likes you." Or it could just mean she's hungry.