Originally Posted by
The Narrator
As you enter the cave, the last bit of light from the outside is extinguished as the entry squeezes closed behind you. Without your wand, you're pitched into darkness and no matter how you try to adjust your eyes, it is without use. There are no shapes, no shadows, nothing.
That is, until you notice a faint glow around what seems to be a twist in the cave. As you draw nearer, it illuminates the area around it, but if you look further past, it is again black. Light, and heat, radiate from the now visible bush, indeed, radiate from each seed.
A fireseed bush.
The sound of crushing rocks, made Brielle's hair's stand on end.
Whipping her head around, causing her ponytail to crack like a whip, Brielle was horrified to see the entrance of the cave disappear.
There was no way back, only forward.
Thinking of a trick she had learnt from an adventure book, the girl sat and starred as a spot in-front of her for what left like 10 minutes. In the book, she had read that by allowing one's eyes adjust to the darkness, the smallest available light would allow the eyes to 'see'.
However, she sat and she sat, and nothing changed, in fact, she thought the darkness only grew darker.
Returning to her feet, she carried on, one hand dragging along the wall, the other waving blinding out in front of her, protecting her from walking into any pillars or walls.
On and on, the French girl, went, distance meaning nothing when in the dark, she could have been walking on the spot for all she knew. The only indication of movement was the changing of walls under her hand, that was until.....
A flash of light illuminated a twist up ahead,
"Non?" the girl whispered, afraid she could wake something in the dark. "
It cannot be!" Brielle dismissed the light as her imagination playing tricks on her. She wanted light so bad, that she was imagining it! Or was she?
The light flickered, it was not so much a light, rather a glow. Only small enough to cast it's light on small patch of darkness. A solo beacon in a-forever dark cave.
Moving closer to the plant, she saw that it was a bush, a glowing bush. Then it dawned on her, it was not just a bush, it was a Fireseed Bush!
"Professor Dodzon I love you!" she cried, as she stumbled the last few steps. It seemed luck, or destiny was on her side. In the throws of her school girl crush, Brielle had checked out all the books she could on plants, all in an attempt to woo her Plant Man, and of all the countless shrubs, flowers and vines she had read about, one of the ones she had found most interesting was now lighting up her life.
Dropping to her knees, the girls, snapped off some of the small branches. Next she untied the ribbon that held together her ponytail, and using the ribbon she tied the branches into a bouquet of lights.
With a huge smile on her face, Brielle set out once more, however now the scariness of the dark, had been replaced by a greater nemises, the cave.