Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space.
Adam wandered into the Dormitory and went straight to the bottom of his bed where his trunk lay. Flinging it open with a flick of his wand, he leant into the bottom of his trunk and his head and shoulders went in further than was deemed possible by the size of the case. Grinning at the charm, he leant into the case until just his knees where resting on the floor and then he began to throw things out of the case haphazardly, not actually caring when the books, jeans, shoes and numerous other items where landing around the dormitory, or who they were hitting. "Sorry!" he shouted so that he didn't seem horrible, his voice coming out a little muffledly from the depths of the trunk. Where was this sheet music? Not being able to fine what he was looking for, a frustrated Adam withdrew his head and dragged his guitar with him. Red faced, he sighed loudly before ducking his head and shoulders back into the case, and began his frantic search again, papers and quills flying over his head.
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽