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Riley was in need of the restroom! After that embarrassing incident of banging on the Ancient Runes Professor's Office door thinking it was the loo, it was indeed time to find the real one! The gryffindor fifth year traversed to the sixth floor where he was told there would be a boys lavatory and was estatic when he saw the tiled room down the corridor.
After entering and finishing in the bathroom stall he walked to the sinks and heard an awful lot of noise going on behind him. He heard the words kiss and professor used in the same sentence and practically choked on air. He flung around, eyes wide and gauffed at the three boys behind him, two fellow lions and a snake. "Im sorry but are you SERIOUS?!" he whispered his grey eyes widening and his usually upturned nose and annoyed tone gone.
Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle
Diggy turned on the faucet to get the cold water running and he splashed his face with the fidget water. He was turning green and a pit clammy as the boy wove his tale. He still couldn't believe that someone had kisses Lafay, or that anyone even wanted to kiss that woman. She gave him the total creeps and he was quite sure he was allergic to her or something. "Does she fancy you or something?" Diggy asked finally as he was able to keep the rest of his breakfast down.
Eyeing the two boys, a fellow Gryffindor and the Slytherin, Josh laughed his laughter echoing in the bathroom. He could noy help but wonder how professor Lafay would react to it if she heard what he was telling to the other students. Hehehehe. That was fun.
''How do i look?'' he asked to the Gryffindor boy who asked if he was serious then he turned to the Slytherin one
''Yes, of course she fancies me.'' every girl fancied him after all, why would not Lafay? Then he moved towards one of the sinks, not the one with the bertie bott bean, and stared at his reflection in the mirror.
''Or at least i think she does''