SPOILER!!: Ella<3
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Yeah! She hoped the point was taken. Maybe Aiden would understand what to say and what not to say now. Merlin...
o_____O Was there really any need for this story?
"That's really facinating, Aiden." She said with an amused grin. "I'm glad you didn't actually eat the rat poop." 'Cause she had kissed that mouth.... Uhm, ew.
"If it means that much to you, then sure." She replied with a shrug of her shoulders. Her parents didn't know about how Aiden practically ripped her heart out and stomped on it, so what would be the problem? .....Friends? FRIENDS? Unfortunately, Ella did want to be friends with Aiden, but that wasn't enough for her. "I suppose." She mumbled unenthusiastically.
"I think you have a bit in you, yeah." He was dating Savannah after all. How much more Numbskully could a person get? Heheeeee. She laughed after she spoke, just to show that she was kidding. But really, she wasn't. He was stupid.
She nodded, knowing Aiden was right. "I told him that I got expelled for it, but that just made him wanna do it more..." She sighed. And the fact that she agreed to the plan made it worse. Now Gaspar would get all hyped up about it, just for her to back out.. "Maybe he is a numbskull." She chuckled.. Ohhh, Aiden would love to hear her say that.
Ella paused and looked at him. It was the truth, but she needed to find her way out of it. To complain, of some sort. "Yeah, well... I'm allowed to move on." And he wasn't? Stupid thing to say. "Why did you even break up with me, again?" She asked bluntly. After many attempts to refer back to the break up, Ella came to the conclusion that she couldn't actually remember any of the details.
She beamed up at him. "I like that idea a lot." Yaay. No more avoiding Aiden. However, meeting him today was just pure luck. Because the next time, Savannah would surely be by his side. Stuck to his face.
Hehh. Okay, so maybe that tidbit of information wasn't necessary, but it had been a close call. Pheww. "
Yeah, I'm glad too." Needless to say.
Oh, wow. Heh. That was easy. Where was one of those easy buttons when you needed it? "
Okay.. good. I guess I'll meet 'em whenever then." It probably wouldn't be for a while anyhow. The term had only just started and they weren't due for break anytime soon. He waited for her response to his friends question and she finally gave an answer. The one he was pulling for, thankfully. "
Right. Just making sure.." Although he was sure that being friends with Ella was bound to be a challenge in and of itself.
This is true," he agreed, plainly. But he smiled a bit when she laughed afterwards. Did that mean she had been joking? Regardless, there was a grain of truth to every joke, right? Yes.
Sooo.. Ella told Gaspar that she had gotten expelled.... and that only motivated him
more? Whaaat? Where was the logic in that? Unless he was consciously trying to leave Hogwarts.. "
That makes zero sense to me." Whoa, what was this? Ella admitting Gaspar's numbskullness?! SCORE. He grinned widely. "
Mhmm, I told you he is."
So, in other words, Ella was allowed to move on, but not him? He looked at her for a few moments, clearly puzzled by her answer, but he decided not to say anything about it. Yeah, why did he break up with her, stupid numbskull. "
It was too serious," he answered. Laaaame. Oh, but at least she fancied this non-avoiding idea. Thank Merlin. Even if she hadn't agreed to it, he probably would've just found excuses to approach her anyhow. "
All right, it's settled, then. No more avoiding."