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The prefect grinned. Awesome. AWESOME. He was picking this up much faster than he'd thought he would. It felt great to be able to be coordinated in all the right ways suddenly.
"Think I might..." Dropping his right arm, he flicked his wand from the holster and considered her request. Tango music... Raiden didn't know much tango music. Still... he could try. Generic something, right?
Right. Good job, self. Music suddenly filled the corridor.
"Is that good?" He could kinda maybe feel a bit where the steps fit into the beat... how odd. Oh he knew a music spell thing. Literally, the best prefect ever!
Yush, because he knew a music spell. And a pretty good dancer. And an awesome Slytherin/Clabbert impersonator.
"Yea, this is good." she said, listening to the song for a moment, tapping her foot on the ground to the beat. She could hear people in the corridor, but she didn't care. She wanted to dance!
"Hmm...shall we?"
Putting her arm back onto his, she waited for his start.