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Old 09-22-2010, 03:41 AM   #129 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post


Smirking, she moved gaze away from his face since she probably wouldn’t be instructing him for this dance anymore and looked to the wall behind his shoulder. "Yup, just like that." Turning slightly, she smiled as they slowed to a stop before nodding her head just a bit. Partly from her own thoughts on for one, they needed something playing in the background and two, they’ll probably go a little faster now.

"You’re right. It is…" Though she didn’t know any spells that would let music play. "Do you, know any spells to like, play music or something? Some kind of tango music would be good."

She was NOT going to be singing! No matter how good she felt at the moment, it was not happening.

The prefect grinned. Awesome. AWESOME. He was picking this up much faster than he'd thought he would. It felt great to be able to be coordinated in all the right ways suddenly.

"Think I might..." Dropping his right arm, he flicked his wand from the holster and considered her request. Tango music... Raiden didn't know much tango music. Still... he could try. Generic something, right?

Right. Good job, self. Music suddenly filled the corridor.

"Is that good?" He could kinda maybe feel a bit where the steps fit into the beat... how odd.
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