Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen O__O!!!
"EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!" Neptune squealed and RAN blindly, still on tippy toes. SOMETHING was DOWN HERE!
Probably a giant Princess eating ogre or a mutant crocodile!
Or worst of all..... a RAT.
It would have been nice to cling to the wall, but there was no way she was getting whatever that dampness was on her ROBES. EWWWWW. Never!
So she ran (sort of) until she bounced off a slightly-softer-than-a-wall... being.
O___O! Her bottom hit the floor and she may have assumed the fetal position. Don't eat her pretty hair!!!!!! WAH! The security in this school WAS AWFUL! Where had she left her wand??? WAAAH!! "Truce!" Truce until she dug her wand out of her purse! |