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Old 09-20-2010, 11:59 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Cassiopeia "Cassi" Nero
First Year

Default All the New, Targeted Champions :D
squishy yoshi / / i ♥ stalking

Originally Posted by Wenzlebug View Post
Upon paving his way into the rather cozy, uncrowded conference room, Cedric flicked his dark brown eyes, darted his gaze about, and gradually contemplated the whole room. There were some people in the place. He recognized the two Daily Prophet peeps as he'd seen them just a while back at the reception area and the girl who must be of his age. He would have sworn he'd seen her before. A lot. From classes... to their common room. Ah, she's a Huffie as well! And looked like they were Quill colleagues, too.

"Hi," he spoke, greeting everyone in general but his eyes were fixed at the girl. Surely, in just a matter of time, the room would be dense and congested once the other people--the throng flood over into it. And them, the press people, would be able to jump-start the picture-taking, question-asking which he actually hankered. Photographing all the pretty girls was indeed something to look forward to while torturing the male champions would just serve as a fringe benefit.
"Heyyy!" It was about time that someone showed up who was within the Quill. "I hope you are...a photographer?" Couldn't be a journalist unless Mr. Masterson hired some new people and she didn't know. Either way, she needed to get to know her Quill folks and soon...ish.

Originally Posted by Tomasina Riddle View Post
She turned to look at her husband at his question, "Oh they can't expect children to go up against a dragon!" she cried. "They could get hurt," she said very motherly. She didn't want to see anyone getting hurt and she knew that if any of their mothers had a say in this none of them would be competeing. "This is why I didn't want Diggy to put his name in," she told Nathan wagging her finget at him becuase he encouraged Diggy to sign up.

Egypt looked up when a young girl sat next to them. She smiled at her. "You're boyfriend?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and a twinkle in her eye. Of course she knew girls dated long before their parents wanted them too but it still amazed her how young they started. "Which one is your boyfriend?" maybe she could add her into the article.

She smiled at the younger boy as he entered and spoke to everyone. "Hello," she called out to him.
Originally Posted by noodles View Post
[COLOR="Teal"]Ep.. he hadn't meant to distress Egypt with his question. He was about to speak when the young lady piped up, confirming his suspicions. Wow. Real dragons in Hogwarts. He smiled at the girl, green eyes glinting with boyish mirth despite Egypt's slight panic beside him. “Do you happen to know if press will receive an invite to the main events?” He asked her. Because the small child that he still was wanted to see those dragons!

He focused back on Egypt, chuckling as she wagged her finger at him.. “It'll all be very well supervised.” He assured her. “I'm sure the staff here know what they're doing." But he had to agree he was pleased Diggy hadn't been selected. Nate might have encouraged him a little too much to do so.

Hearing another voice, he looked away from the two ladies to see a young lad who looked about his half brother's age. “Hello, mate.” He greeted him. Was he another champion? There were so many, Nathan was a bit lost as to who was who..
Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun View Post
Miles looked back at Tate hesitantly and then forcefully put one foot in front of the other toward the pack of hungry hyenas that were the press. Swallowing deeply he stepped to the interview area feeling like he had a big target on his back being the first champion to come over. Sticking his hands deep in his pocket where his wand now rested he swallowed and waited patiently, his eyes scanning the group and a grin coming to his face as he spotted Fia there. That's what he'd do he'd keep his eyes on Fia cause she made him feel sane.
Fia's green eyes looked back at the really pretty lady as she spoke, asking who her boyfriend was. And almost like clockwork, Miles walked up and seemed to be rather quiet and reserved. That wasn't good. "This is my boyfriend," she spoke to keep things uncomplicated by introducing Miles as her boyfriend and not fiancée. "Miles, these are..." she paused as she had yet to introduce herself at all to the new people. She turned, smiled at the two older peeps and said/asked, "I'm sorry, I didn't ask but are you from the Daily Prophet?"

About that time all the other Champions began to arrive at an almost overwhelming rate of speed. Now it was time to turn on the charm and go to work as she would let Miles speak to those adult people and she would run about talking to others she had yet to speak too.

Fia got out her notebook from her back pocket and her quill from behind her ear. It was time to work, asking as many questions as she could. "Excuse me," she spoke as she walked right up to the group, ready for her first question.

"This is to all the Champions, my first question is, what inspired each and every one of you to place your names in the Goblet of Fire?" She hoped each one would answer, but those that didn't, she would catch them on another round. Her notepad was flipped and ready while her quill was aimed towards the parchment, ready to begin writing whatever was said.
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