Brittany walked up to the owlery to visit her favorite boy.... well boy owl... Keegan. She hadnt really been sening him out anywhere because he had gotten himself lost last time she did and bubba had to go find him so she was a little scared to do it again. She did want to send a letter to her parents though but since they went back to the states she was extra worried about the flight for keegan.
She looked around trying to spot keegan and luckily he was sitting at eye level easily spotted. She walked over to him quickly. "Hiya boy." She said petting him. "sorry im keeping you couped up in here but you scared me the last time." she said softly. He justed looked at her in what seemed like a sad look. If an owl could make a sad look. "I promise im trying to do better and get over the fear so be patient with me." she said as he nuzzled her hand gently as if he understood. She smiled at sat there with him a little while longer