Post 3 Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher
After wiping the shaving cream out of his eyes and off of the majority of his face, the gryffindor continued to ride along the make-shift track on his floating horse staying far away from the evil balloons. Where was their Professor in all of this? He had lost sight of her at the starting line, and let's face it, she wasn't bad to look at for an older woman.
Before he could go gazing into his Professor's eyes, he found her soaring higher than any of the students' horses and sprinkling something over the track. Ooh was it glitter or money?! No it was nothing fun like that. Riley sped on and was soon covered in feathers....he was not happy.