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Old 09-19-2010, 07:11 PM   #30 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Siobhán O'Shea
x3 x2
The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion

Originally Posted by LoveMePlease View Post
Viky walked slowly into thr classroom and smiled at the Proffessor... oh, it was the dude she gave cake to! 'Morning Proffessor' she said with a smile, and then looked around. Oh, she was the first student there. That'd never happened before, she was usually the last one in. 'How're you today?' she asked as she sat down, dumping her bag on the floor and setting her books on the table.
Yay! People started arriving. So he would actually have students attending his class. Well, it would have been a little difficult otherwise...obviously. "Why hello there." First student!!! Take that, Mar- ...nevermind.

"Why I'm quite good, how about yourself?" He was more than quite good actually, he was REALLY excited for this first lesson of his. And there were people arriving...more people...students...eager students...well, hopefully.

Originally Posted by CaleyShoutCaley<3 View Post
......muggle studies eh? Savannah liked this class considering she grew up around muggles. This class was easy, as easy as it could get in her eyes. The tall blonde wandered into the classroom with a frown on her face, she had a problem with this lesson one that was was sure she would work out with the new professor.

Her problem? She wasn't allowed to wear heels during this lesson! What was she supposed to do? Wear flats? Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. Savvy went against what she was told to do and wear heels anyway, it wouldn't be too much of a fuss, right?

Savannah walked into the classroom, first looking around for Aiden and then sighing. She was the only one here so far, her eyes shifted back up to the professor, smiling.


He was a cutie, a cutie professor. GIGGLE. Savannah smiled at him for a moment and then sat down, she was unsure if she should ask about her shoes now or not? Meh, maybe he would notice them and call her out? Savvy didn't know nor really care.

All she knew was that she wasn't wearing flats.

"Hello Professor, lovely day isn't it?"Savannah said, sitting down.

Was that...were those...Jeremy followed the girl who had just entered the classroom with his eyes as made her way over to him. And smiled at him. Hadn't she read his instructions? Hadn't they been quite clear? "Hello, Miss ...?" He raised his eyebrow at her, expecting her to fill in the gap he had just left.

A small smirk flashed across his lips as he pointedly glanced down at her HIGH-HEELS. Something told him she had read the instructions. And understood them too. "Yes, very lovely." Jeremy finally replied, meeting her eyes once again. Well, he had just the perfect pair of shoes for her to change into before they were going to move on to the practical part of the lesson.

Yes, just perfect.

Originally Posted by grangerfan8 View Post
Muggle Studies with no Sir Lawson. This was gonna be about as weird as the first Creatures lesson. Maybe more cause she didn't even know who the new professor was. This new professor probably didn't even give the students candy......but maybe they would still allow her to eat candy in the lesson. Hmm.

Skipping into the classroom, unsure of what to expect, her curious eyes glided around the room. A grin splitting across her face when she spotted the pillows on the chairs. It wasn't candy, but it was still cool. "Hey, professor!" Her eyes danced over to the man perched on his' desks edge. "How are you?" Whoo are you?

Tossing her bag on the floor beside a desk in the front, she slide into the seat, picking up the pillow as she did and giving it a good snuggle!squeeze.
And more students started arriving. Good, so it wasn't going to be only him, High-Heel!Girl and the other girl after all. Following the girl's glance as her face lit up into a huge grin, Jeremy found himself grinning too. She liked the pillows. Good. Perfect. It was easier to teach when the students actually liked him. Or so he assumed. Well, duh.

"Hello, my dear." His mental list of names was going to be looooooooong after his first lessson. "I'm good, thanks. What about you?" He replied with a friendly smile, his American accent quite obvious in his tone.

Awww, did she just hug the pillow?!

Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 View Post
There was no denying how stupidly awkward Trixie felt RIGHT NOW! She was looking forward to this lesson, there was no doubt about that and she'd be a good Swotty little student and listen to everything he said.. Blah..Blah but she didn't feel comfortable. She came there anyway, arriving at the classroom with a genuine smile and then taking one glance around the room before choosing to make her usual announcement.

"Hello...." Biiiiiiig pause.

Oh goodness. They were in a classroom so what was she meant to call him now? It would seem strange to automatically call him Jeremy, but even weirder to call him Professor. "Erm...." she looked at him and blinked for a few seconds, trying to telepathically receive an answer but instead kind of just shuffled over to a seat right at the front. Who could blame her?

Ahh jeez this was worse then she had expected.
And there was one of the students he had KNOWN was going to attend the lesson. Or had hoped to. Hoped to know. Hopefully she felt better than the last time they had met. Though, he was not going to ask her about her teenage-boy-problems right now. There was a time and place for everything and right now, right here was not it.

Hello erm? What a nice way to say hello. Or something. "Hello Trixie." Jeremy greeted her with a grin, which faltered slightly as she just stood there for a moment, staring at him. Was something wrong? Raising his eyebrows at her questioningly, his hazel eyes followed her as she took a seat at the very front.

Awkward much?

Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
Aha! Muggle Studies for the win!

Treyen practically ran through the door, it would've hurt if he'd actually done it, and with a smile on his face he entered the classroom. "Professor Zookara! Good day, Sir!" he said, almost, almost resisting the urge to call him 'Ducks'.

Speaking of....lookit! On the chairs, hahaha...Ducky pillows. AWESOME! (if you liked ducks, and even if you did, would you like to sit on one?)

He noticed a familiar face in the room, and went straight ahead towards the Huffie girl, "Hey Arya! Nice duckies, no?" eyes on the pillow, but, did he have to sit on it?
More people he actually knew! "Treyen!" He grinned at the boy as he literally ran into the classroom excitedly. Oh, so no calling him Professor Ducks after all, hm? "Pleasure to see you again." And it really was. He had been so nice and cute when he'd come for a visit in his office.

The thought of their last meeting reminded him of something, though. "Oh, and Treyen-" Jeremy addressed the boy again as he made his way towards one of the girls in the room. One of those he DIDN'T know the name of. Wait, now he did know. Arya, was it? "-would you mind staying a little longer after class? I got a reply from my brother." He'd know what about, right?

And he liked the pillows too!!

Originally Posted by Hollister View Post
When Jack walked into the Muggle Studies classroom, he completely ignored everything that was in the room except for the pillows on the chairs. Were they supposed to sit on it? It had a face! It was a duck! Not that Jack didn't mind sitting on it, he was sure it was quite comfy no doubt, but he raised an eyebrow at the professor anyway, and then adding a "Professor." with a nod. Strange guy with his duck pillows.

What Jack thought of next was how he had read quite a bit first before coming to the lesson. Now, he wouldn't normally do that, but Jack knew that Muggle Studies would be his weakest subject, as it wasn't regarded as something to be taught in his family, even if he found it to be interesting. Jack sat down at some random desk, thankful that the pillow didn't make a 'quack!' noise, as he feared that it may do, and leaned back slightly.
Oh, another boy. How nice. Now at least he had two already. Not missing the look the boy gave him, Jeremy raised an eyebrow at the boy as well in a Something wrong? sort of way. "Hi." Was all he replied. Well, what else was there to say? 'Student'?

Text Cut: Freya, Ella and Leilani
Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass View Post
Freya walked into the Muggle Studies classroom. She looked around and saw a few students already there. "Hello Professor." she greeted the man. She then moved towards her seat. She noticed there were pillows on each chairs. The pillow was so adorable. A smile appeared in her face. "What an adorable pillow you have here, Professor" she said smiling.
Originally Posted by Emishlon View Post
Ella wandered rather joyously to the Muggle Studies classroom, feeling optimistic. This lesson wasn't one of her best subjects, which is why she was eager to knuckle down and learn more. After all, to her, an iPod was called a 'Muggle-Music-Box'... Ahem.

She smiled at the new professor upon entering the room. OOH, she liked the fluffy pillows! As she sat on one near the middle of the classroom, she got out her things and looked up. "Hi sir! How are you today?"

Originally Posted by Zoom View Post
Leilani entered the room and smiled at the Proffesor. Wait, who was this?! ... Whaaaa??

"Hello Proffesor." She said, and smiled as though she knew what she was talking about. Yeeeah, she'd just have to wait and figure out his name as they went along. Psh, it couldn't be that hard.

Leilani took a seat near the front and set her bag down between her feet. Yaaaay for Muggle Studies!!

And more girls who were interested in Muggles. The fact that there were more and more students entering the classroom, made his grin become even more intent than it had been before. And at least one of them complimented the pillows. Griiin!

"Hello girls." Jeremy greeted them with a smile and a small wave. "The lesson will start soon, just settle in until then." And with a wink he added, "And yes, you may talk to your neighbor until then too." Because they were GIRLS after all. And girls liked to talk.

Originally Posted by MissFeenella View Post
Fee walked happy to the Muggle studies classroom.
She was excited for this lesson.
But then she got the thought of Kita.
Were was she?!
Fee really missed her bestie. Eeep.
As she walked further into the classroom she looked out for a free seat.
She approached a familiar looking blonde girl and sat down next to her.
"Hey Freya Babe"
Oh, no greeting there? How rude! "A good day to you too, Miss ...?" If there was one thing Jeremy didn't like then it was being ignored. Raising his eyebrows at the girl who took a seat next to another girl, he truely pondered whether he was allowed to take points for this.

Probably not, right? Bleh.

Text Cut: The She-Snakes

Originally Posted by Destiny View Post

Destiny was not looking forward to this class, no she was not. Muggle Studies would not be the same with Lawson gone, and she doubted this new Professor would allow her to bother him the whole lesson. Not fun at all.

Moping her way into the classroom, her bag dragging on the floor behind her, she noticed the new Professor sitting on his desk and smiling. Pffft. It was no time to smile. "Hello, Professor." she mumbled as she passed him.

She made her way to the middle of the classroom, and finding an empty seat, she resisted the urge to pick the pillow up and throw it at the new guy's head. It wasn't his fault Lawson was gone, after all. But still, it would be amusing. Maybe after class she'd accidentally throw it.

For now, she was going to be good. Not that she was bad or anything.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC View Post
Marie was not looking forward to going to this class now. Muggle Studies without Lawson was not right. Lawson had been the only reason she ever came to this class before. He always put up with her attitude and moody behaviors and now he was gone... GONE, never to teach here again. Was this new Professor going to put up with her attitude the way Lawson had? Probably not, which would make this class... not fun.

Sloooooly dragging herself into the class she spots the new Professor sitting on Laws... his desk. It's just wrong, that desk was made for Lawson, not some other guy. "Hello... Professor" she hesitantly says as she walks past him... without giving eye contact.

Finding Destiny in the middle of the room she makes her way over to her only to find pillows on the chairs. Really? Did this guy think they would like him just because he gave them silly looking duck pillows to sit on? Pfft, it's gonna take more than a pillow to get Marie to like this guy... like maybe him saying he got Lawson to come back. Taking that goofy pillow off her seat she sat down. "Here, you can have this pillow, I don't want it," she said as she put the pillow on Destiny's desk.
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post

She didn't know why she was still going to this class. For one, she hated it ad it was one of her worst subjects and two, Lawson wasn't teaching it anymore. This was LAWSON'S territory! Someone was STEALING it! Besides...What fun was it when the professor had no guarantee of letting you off the hook of punishment the first several times? Yea, no fun at all.

Walking into the classroom, the first thing she noticed were the pillows. The duck...pillows. Hehe that was something Lawson would do in his crazy times...but the meaning behind it was probably completely different! Pfffft! Raising a brow, she moved around one rather fluffy pillow sitting in a seat before going over to Marie and Destiny. If she would have known that they were using pillows today, she'd have brought her own. Meh? Smiling Professor?! "Good day, Professor."

Smiling. See if he's smiling after this lesson.

Oh, those girls looked happy to be here. Not. It wasn't his fault they were unhappy, was it? Frowning slightly Jeremy didn't reply at first when the girls passed him, with a mumbled greeting. At least they had greeted him, unlike other people...

"Hello." He finally ended up replying as both of them had already taken a seat and one of them...had put the pillow on the desk. "You can have a 'normal' one if you want to." He more like forced himself to offer, repeatedly telling himself that it probably didn't have anything to do with him anyway. Just the usual hormonal-teenage-girl-syndrome probably.

Hopefully. Something told him it wasn't though.

Originally Posted by Ivy Nienna View Post
Ivory was holding her judgement on this class. As her feet led her into the classroom, she was as neutral as could be, determined to miss Lawson that is until she saw the duckie pillows.

"Hello Professor!"Smiling, she grabbed one up hugging it to herself as she sat herself down next to her best friend. Where ducks were concerned, the class had to be good.
At least this one was smiling. Improving his slightly dampened mood immensely. "Hello to you too." He gave the girl a grin, determined not to let the foul mood of those three girls get him down. Plus, she liked the ducks. So he liked this girl. It was as easy as this. At least until he got to know them better.

Originally Posted by ☆Grrr..Meow☆ View Post
Brant walked into class, excited This is the class he wanted to go N.E.W.T in. It was a new Professor this year and Brant was eager to meet his professor. "Hello Sir, Im Brant DeVaice, I'll be taking N.E.W.T in this class." he said while smiling at the professor.
Oh, a Prefect. So THAT was the other Gryffindor Prefect. The female being Cameron. So he at least knew the Gryffindor Prefects already. "Why, nice to meet you, Brant." Wow, NEWTs? So he was in his Seventh Year already? "Well, that's good to hear. I hope you will enjoy this class." And he hoped he played Quidditch.

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Fletcher strolled into Muggle Studies and froze for a moment, horrified at the sight of bright yellow fluffy pillows on all the chairs. Was this guy for real, sitting ducks out for people to sit on? Was he even a guy?!??!!

The boy shook his head and made his way to a chair that didn't look quite so fluffy and gross. He sat down stiffly, a look of disgust wrinkling his nose, and tried not to move around on the pillow so much.
Oh, another one who had a problem. A huge one apparently, at least judging by the look on his face. It was downright...horrified. And following the direction of his gaze it was because of the pillows. Jeez! Couldn't he cool it down a little? He hadn't suggested that they had to knit some themselves, had he?

A little annoyed by how he had not been greeted AGAIN, Jeremy quickly pointed his wand at the pillow below the boy's behind and turned it into a different pillow. "That better? That manly enough for you?" He couldn't help but smirk a little, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.

Originally Posted by Team ronmione View Post
Adam thought that the most interesting class he could attent was Muggle Studies. Since he was one and lived with two at home, he would not be able to have the chance to anaylize how a non magical person lives, and why they think in such ways. He was gonna find out so many interesting aspects about himself. He wondered if any other muggle wizard or witches would show up also.
...and another one who didn't deem it necessary to greet him. "Yes, thanks, I'm doing just fine. Good day to you too." Jeremy said sarcastically with his eyebrows raised at the boy before moving on to another student who had just entered the classroom...

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Salander strode into the First!Floor classroom, looking forward to possibly the only class that he was confident enough not to look stupid in. He gave the Professor a small salute with his fingers ''Greetin's Chief" and gave Fletcher a friendly clap on the shoulder....

Then did a double take. Was that Fletcher? Because he was seeing two of them!

He blinked. Great, the GlitterPuff couldnt get enough of himself so he has to go about getting a doppleganger? He shook his head. A world full of Fletchers.... what will it come to then?

As he lowered his messenger bag next to his desk, he had to pause as he looked at the bright yellow duck pillows. Huh. Shrugging, he plopped himself down comfortably onto his seat and waited for classes to begin.
...a student who addressed him as Chief? How nice. With a small slightly confused grin Jeremy regarded the boy for a moment before deciding it was time to give a witty reply. Hehe. "Hello...minion?" He gave him a small wink as the boy went over to sit next to Manly!Boy and...Manly!Boy?! Wait...there were two?


"Are you two related?" Or twins actually. Identical twins. Because they did look alike...a lot. O_o

Originally Posted by Kris View Post
Alex walked into the classroom slowly. Well at least this didn't seem to be altered much she thought as she sat down somewhere in the back away from majority of people. She sat her bag on the floor and glanced around. "Hello Professor." Alexandrie greeted a little hesistantly, not sure what to make of the new Professor yet.
And another girl, they seemed to be outnumbering the boys by A LOT. "Hello to you too, my dear." He had absolutley no idea how he was supposed to remember all of those names. Name tags maybe?

Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 View Post
Alice walked into the room and looked for an open seat somewhere in the middle of the room. Once she found one, and had a good view of Professor Zookara, she went to sit down but stopped when she noticed the pillow. Alice examined it....oh my god it was a duck pillow! She shifted her bag off of her shoulder, setting it gently on the floor, and picked up the pillow. Oh my heavens she loved it!

Alice sat down on the chair and held the pillow in her lap so that the head end was facing her. Already she could tell she was going to love this class. How could you not love a class with duck pillows?!

Alice looked up at Professor Zookara and gave a small wave. "Hi Professor Zookara," Alice said with a smile, not sure if he would remember meeting her in his office or not. "I love these pillows!"
Talking of names. Another one he already knew. His hazel eyes followed Alice as she took a seat...on top of the pillow of course. "Hi, Alice." And she LIKED them!! "Aww, why thank you. I do too." Obviously. He wouldn't be placing ugly pillows on their chairs...unless he didn't like them. Which he didn't. Didn't didn't like them...okay, that was becoming confusing now. Nevermind.

Originally Posted by Gryffindorgurl View Post
Amber trudged into the Muggle Studies classroom, her shoes still wet from the flying lesson earlier that day. Stupid mop. But she put on a smile for the new professor and said, "Morning, professor!" before sitting down at one of the tables. She GIGGLE!snorted when she saw the duck pillows, almost not noticing that Brant was here. When she did notice however, she smiled and waved in his direction, feeling her cheeks get a little warm. AUGG! Stupid pale skin!

Jeremy's attention moved to the source of the squish!squashing which was obviously coming into his classroom. Yes, definitely. And the source turned out to be a girl. A girl with wet shoes. Well, at least she wasn't wearing high-heels like they had been told. "Hello. Wait...let me help you." So, without waiting for a reply, he directed his wand at her shoes, drying them so they wouldn't be leaving small water stains all over the classroom. "There you go."

Catching the wave the girl sent across the classroom he followed the direction it was sent and found himself looking at of the Gryffindor Prefects. Wait...was the girl blushing? Aww.

Facing the classroom, Jeremy smiled at them all and said, "Thanks for coming. We'll just wait a few more minutes for some of those who got lost on the way to arrive." And then his first lesson was offically going to start!
I just wanted you to know that this is me trying

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