Racetrack on the Grounds
Part of Charms Lesson 1 In an area on the grounds close to the Quidditch pitch, Professor Carlton has designed a small, circular racetrack. It's temporary, of course, and will quickly be replaced by magic as soon as the lesson is over. For now, though, it exists for the sole purpose of the wooden horseback racing that is about to begin. "Find a place at the start line," Professor Carlton instructed, using her wand to gesture toward a white line stretching from the left side of the track to the right.
"We'll get started in just a moment--as soon as everyone has had a chance to get a wooden horse, dress up in their western attire, and get to the starting point. I'll explain more directions in just a bit."
OOC: If you missed my last post in the first thread, please
read it first.
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