Thread: Charms Lesson 1
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Old 09-19-2010, 03:20 AM   #189 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Patroclus Hudson
Default Argh! Catch Up!
Professional Twirler Mourned and Missed


With a jab of his wand, the scraf fluttered back onto the boys desk, it floaty softly through the air.

Reaching into the box again, Patroclus selected his next item; a medium sized crystal ball. Ohh hopefully Reynolds not around, the boy laughed to himself.
"Wingardium Leviosa!" With the swish and flick, the ball rose into the air, and "Fixate!" Patroclus stilled it.

"Locomotor Crystal Ball" With the use of ths next charm, Patroclus began to guide the ball through the air, it colliding with the feather of another student, "Sorry!" the boy called, not knowing where the feather had come from.

The ball did loopdeloops, and zigzags in the air, before Patroclus brought it back to land on his desk,

"Now the heavy one!" Patroclus grinned placing his hand back into the box, and pulled out a rather large pot plant complete with small shrub, "Oh. wow." The boy grinned.
"Wingardium Leviosa!" This one was a tad harder to control. Through his wand Patroclus could feel the wieght of the pot and plant. When it was a suficent distance off the ground, Patroclus "Fixate"'d it.

"Locomotor Pot Plant!" Now Patroclus had to have slow movements with this one, besides the fact it was really heavy, it also had the possiblity to tip and spill soil everywhere! Directing it with his wand, Patroclus had the plant hover in tight circle around his desk before Professor Carlton called for attention.

It seemed as if most, if not all, of the students had the hang of the spell now, so Lexi returned to her desk and hoisted herself up onto the side of it before getting the students attention. "Alright, class, it's time to move on! Guide your items back to you, grab them, then toss them into one of the boxes in the back of the room, please!" she said, just loud enough to be heard over the chatter in the room.

"Then return to your seats, so we can move on to the last half of the lesson," she added. As she talked, she levitated a different box toward her and guided it to come to a rest just at her feet. The top was still securely on it, though, so no one could drop anything down into it or see what was inside.
Patroclus guided the pot plant to the box at the Back, and then did the sme with the Crystal Ball and Scarf. Them out of the way, Patroclus returned his attention to the perfectly pink Professor, and her new mystery box!
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