Thread: Charms Lesson 1
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Old 09-19-2010, 02:50 AM   #188 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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SPOILER!!: bahaha elephant statue
Originally Posted by Destiny View Post

That mug was going to sit on top of Evelyn's desk until she filled it with something to drink. Destiny was really thirsty! Directing her wand downwards, she placed the mug on the desk, and with a few jabbing motions, the mug was sitting RIGHT in front of Evelyn. Yep, she'd have to move the mug to get to that very ugly stuffed turkey.

Then, Destiny would have water!

She kept an eye on Evelyn for a second longer before turning around and pulling the elephant statue closer to herself. What WAS that thing? It was an ELEPHANT and..was it wearing clothes!? Elephants don't wear clothes!

After giving the statue a few little pokes in the belly, because it was right there and all, she pointed her wand towards it and gave a swish and flick, "Wingardium Leviosa." It might have just been her imagination, but it didn't seem like it was levitating as quickly as the other objects she had. Hmm.. "Fixate." she said, and with a tap on the elephant's belly, the statue was fixed at eye level.

And now she needed somewhere to move it to.

Evelyn, of course.

"Locomotor elephant statue."

And off the elephant went. It's belly getting a little too close to Evelyn's face.




Instinctively, Evelyn moved her head back, away from whatever it was that suddenly appeared in front of it. She had HOPED it was a fly or something, but no. This was way too big to be a fly. And too...elephant-y.

Glaring at the statue, she scooted it out of the way on her desk before glancing to Destiny. Hehe, now she wasn't getting it back!

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
While strolling around the classroom, Lexi watched--tickled pink--as the Flores girl changed the color of a boring old pot to a pretty pink color. "Excellent job, Miss Flores. Just excellent," she commented. She grew quiet and her eyebrows wrinkled in a mixture of confusion and astonishment as an elephant statue, large belly and all, grazed just past Evelyn. Where had that thing come from? She had been fairly sure there were no elephants in the boxes, but...hey, it's not like she remembered every last odd assortment she'd thrown into that supply closet.

Her focus on the elephant was broken when she noticed a piece of chocolate making its way toward her desk. Mmm...chocolate.
Excellent job? 'Course it was excellent. Just look at the hideous PINK! Concealing her smirk with a smile, the girl finally moved her attention to the two other objects on her desk, not really knowing what to do with them.

A stuffed animal turkey, and the muggle box side-kick rectangle thing. Well, she could always put the muggle box side-kick on Destiny's desk. Or, maybe she should put the turkey on her desk!? OR BOTH!? "Wingardium Leviosa." she said, the swish and flick being the last thing she did.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
It seemed as if most, if not all, of the students had the hang of the spell now, so Lexi returned to her desk and hoisted herself up onto the side of it before getting the students attention. "Alright, class, it's time to move on! Guide your items back to you, grab them, then toss them into one of the boxes in the back of the room, please!" she said, just loud enough to be heard over the chatter in the room.

"Then return to your seats, so we can move on to the last half of the lesson," she added. As she talked, she levitated a different box toward her and guided it to come to a rest just at her feet. The top was still securely on it, though, so no one could drop anything down into it or see what was inside.

Glancing to the professor, she let the stuffed turkey drop to her desk before standing up and picking the fluffy thing up. She didn't want to touch the muggle side-kick rectangle though! It was made of evil. Pure evil.

Raising a brow, Evelyn looked around, making sure no one was really watching before using the turkey's neck to pick up the thing. Stupid rectangle. Ruining her day.

Moving up to the back of the room where all the boxes were and let both items drop where they were. Oh, gah she forgot the plant pop.

...The professor enjoyed pink right? Even part of her hair was that color. Might as well let her keep it. Even though she could probably created a better colored PINK plant pop, but well, it was a semi-suddenly thought up gift. Sorta. Ish. From her.

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