Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science!
Why was she stressing over her cookies? Oliver couldn't help the amused smile that tugged at the corner's of his lips. “They're perfect, Cam.” He assured her. “Look, just stop stressing, 'kay? I'm not going to do anything silly... and if I do, you have my permission to hex me. I'm sure you wouldn't want me running off into the Willow would you?” He teased her. Man.. she was on edge.
Always so insecure. “They're cookies.” He said flatly. “I don't like (airquotes) fancyschmancy.” Like, seriously. How could she take what he said so literally that it turned into a put down?
Haha! He smirked, eyes glinting mischievously. “Well.. I wandered into the kitchen, gave them a smile and asked very nicely if they could pretty please make me a sandwich. When they were busy doing that, I swiped the cake. I think it was meant for the champions press conference.” he snickered wickedly. “There were dozens of them though. I don't think one will be missed.” heh. Bad!Snake!Boy.
He laughed at her words, drawing her into a hug. “Yeah.. I totally go for fat squishy chicks.” He said with soft sarcasm.
He frowned a little, pulling back. He knew how she hated attention. He didn't used to understand it, but he was starting to learn just how Cameron's brain worked. He took her hand into his, long thin spidery fingers weaving around her small delicate fingers. “I know. You just have to get through this... and then the fun will begin.”
But the gentleness of that moment was gone a second later when he teased her and she poked him in response. He laughed jovially. “Your not one of these weirdos who reckons part of your soul is destroyed when you pose for a snap, right?” hehe. But... not everyone could look good in a photo. Oliver wasn't exactly photogenic either what with the erratic hair and lopsided, mischievous smirk... and his eyes ALWAYS went red when the flash went off. He managed to look rather demonic in photographs.
He fell into rare silence and merely listened to Cameron as she began to open up to him. Now this he did understand. It was like with Quidditch last year. So many expectations.. and Oliver had failed. Second place was good but it wasn't the cup his team deserved. He'd failed them.. and his house. And yet, he'd not received any criticism for it - he was still loved by the same people. “Your friends love you, Cam. We're all supporting you no matter what. Sure, we want you to do well.. but if you fail it doesn't matter. It's jus' a game – like Quidditch. The only thing we'll feel if you fail is sorrow.. for you. No one is judging you for this..”
He sighed softly. Boy did he love this little chikka despite her insecurities. Hell, they probably strengthened his feelings for her. If she was egotistical, loud, brash, self confident, Oliver was sure he wouldn't have fallen for her. “Maybe you wanted to prove something to yourself?” He asked her, raising an eyebrow. “...And you were selected for a reason. Jus' proves you ARE perfectly capable.”
And then he was in her arms and he giggled a little. “Same here. I sucked at Maths at my muggle school too.” He mirrored her face pulling and smirked. “So what's it to be frst? Wanna practice some duelling?”
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