Heather seemed to be getting the hang of controlling her flying using the mop now and she looked around to see everyone too was able to do so-well, some. she saw some trying to fly fast and some falling off and so she decided to just move some point, slowly instead and hovered still, three feet off the ground, avoiding some who passed by above her, their dripping mops. then she saw Cass.
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Cass eyed the mop disdainfully. Someone of her heritage should not even touching that thing. and to make matters worst, the ickyy thing was wet! She brought out her wand and pointed it at the broom "Scourgify" When the mop was clean, then she cast a hot air charm on the mop to dry off the dripping water. When it was slightly...rideable, Cass mounted it and kicked off perfectly.The mop was heavier than the broom, its going to get some getting used to. She thought all was going to go well after her perfect kick off, but alas, she was disappointed.
She waved a hand at Cass. "good luck Cass! it's really difficult, but i think you'll get the hang of it. i know you always do." she smiled supporting her best friend.
then she turned to see kurumi and was shocked.
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Kurumi jumped up to try and catch her mop, but it was taunted her now as it hovered just out of reach and continued to shower her in a steady trail of dirty water. She put her hands on her hips and looked up at the mop. Flying on brooms had been so much fun! Why did the professor decide to make them fly on these enchanted brooms that seemed to be more trouble than it was worth. Still, she would never forgive herself if she lost to a mop...so she was getting on it again. She pretended to be disinterested in the mop, and it came closer...closer...NOW! Kurumi jumped up and grabbed the mop by the wet end. "Gotcha!" she squeed. The mop wasn't done with her yet and began slowly dragging her along with her feet just barely touching the muddy ground. Great, now she was going to have to get mud out of her shoes too.
Oh dear, kurumi was being dragged by her mop. "kurumi!" she called out. "need help?" she asked, but it seems kurumi barely heard her. Heather aimed to fly towards kurumi quickly to help her friend out, so she tried to fly as fast as she could get to kurumi-occasionally stopping so she wouldn't tip over her mop and fall off. it was difficult. the heavy end would almost tip her over at each speed she took and she had to stop so she wouldn't fall off. even thoguh her grip was strong, she knew her hands were beginning to slip.
"oh bother~!" heather said. she was impatient now and really wants to help kurumi out. fallling over now or not is not important. to heck, she kicked off and tried to fly fast towards kurumi which she did, and was suddenly at her friend's side, but she got tired from trying-it was hard work! and then her mop...began to tilt...and heather panicked, she held on to it-the mop stood like a pole and heather ridiculously looked as if she were climbing a pole. she opened her eyes that she closed, as if anticipating she was going to fall to a muddy end, but she didn't and tried her best again to bring the mop down.
"whew! that was close!" she said and looked around-oh no...kurumi was far away again, still dragged by the mop. "hang on kurumi! i'm coming!" she said and again, tried to fly as fast as she could towards the girl being dragged by a mop.