I'd love to Blog First ^^
Dear Blog,
This is my second year in Hogwarts now. I met up with all my old friends that i've missed all through the holidays. now that i'm in my second year, i feel that i know more, which is good, because its who i am. during the term break, i sneaked off to my Grandfather. i call him Ojisan ^^.
i love Ojisan. he taught me to be thankful of my heriatage and that no matter what, no one can make me feel inferrior. I remember the first time i met him. i was 5 years old. my muggle father and i we in Nagoya as the circus came to Japan for the 3rd time (1st for us). the circus director, Mr. Applesbe (such a witty man) everyone a months break because we had done good for the past 4 months (and that the trailers and motors were broken and needed extensive fixing ^^). so, dad brought me to meet Ojisan for the first time.
he was such a grumpy old man when i first met him. he glared at me when i walked beside dad, but as i introduced myself, he became more relaxed. but then dad had to go off and do something, and so he left me with Ojisan for 4 weeks. i didnt like the idea at first because i was never apart from dad for more than 2 days. but it was alright. Ojisan taught me the art of Tea Ceremony and an ancient art of defence. in exchange, i was to teach him english. you should have seen dad's face when Ojisan told him off in english ^^ . i swore he almost fainted!
Anyways, this visit was without dad. what can i do? he doesn't remember me anymore....its alright for me. as long as Ojisan is with me, i know dad's with me always. Ojisan made me a Shukuchi (wooden flute) made out of Cherry Blossom Tree outside at his garden. i made a promise with him that i would play it every day in the evening at 4pm. it would be the time when he drinks his Ocha at his porch. he said just as long as i play a tune, it would be a form of comunication between us.

i love you Ojisan.
now, that im back here, i worry about Ojisan. he's getting old and frail.

im not there to make his food, clean his house and be with him...i feel so helpless. i cant leave. he said i shouldn't skip school (he doesn't know about me being a witch). i will continue to play for you, Ojisan...
I think...i've been found. i'm not sure. maybe its just a coincidence that the letter was adressed to me, but still...i have to be cautious. if they found me, i have to leave. i hope they don't find me...
have to go.
chat with you soon, blog ^^