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With her headphones sitting nicely in her ears, Ella lazily wandered around the castle with her drawing pad tucked under her arm. She was looking for a calm place where she could just sit and daydream for a while. Peace and quiet was nice, and she seemed to be seeking it a lot more lately. Well, it's not like she had anyone special to spend time with, did she?
She approached a funny looking tapestry and smiled at the almost emptiness of the area. And with that, she sat down almost directly under the tapestry and pressed play on her Muggle-Music-Box. The only song she ever really listened to now came on, and she rested her head against the wall.
Iron & Wine- Such Great Heights.
Why this song? Because it was Aiden's favourite song and she just couldn't stop listening to it. She hummed to the song, but didn't sing it, because if someone came and approached her.. well, that'd be awkward. So, humming it was, but she automatically sang one or two lines of the song here and there.
Oh! Ella almost forgot the purpose of finding this quiet spot today. She wanted to get back into her drawing. So she got out her drawing pad, opened it onto a clear page and began to scratch the paper with her pencil lightly. She didn't know exactly what she was drawing yet though.
Ahh, peace.
Hands settled leisurely in his pockets, Aiden walked along throughout the fourth floor, no destination on his mind. He sighed and continued on, nearing the tapestry up ahead. As he he got closer, he noticed some blonde girl sitting beneath it, but what really caught his interest was what she was humming. The few lines that she did sing sounded quite good and he immediately turned and went over to her. Anyone listening to 'Such Great Heights' had excellent taste in music. Fact.
Iron and Wine.. you've got great selection in -" .....Music.
Ella? Wow, this took him by total surprise. He opened his mouth to speak but was at a loss for words. She was a
blondie. He quickly shut his mouth and cleared his throat. "
I hadn't recognized you." Gah, embarrassing.
Aiden looked at her for a moment. He had been trying to avoid her, yet at the same time he always hoped to catch her walking to class or on her way to the common room. Or sitting beneath a tapestry.
His eyes shifted to the spot beside her for a split second. Would it be awkward to sit? He decided to do so, though sat not quite as close to her as he normally would have.
You're listening to my favorite song," he said, unable to not smile. He could pick up on the muffled slow rhythm even now. And not only that, but he suddenly realized what was resting on her lap. A sketchbook. Right..? "
Oh, are you drawing..?" He lifted his head a bit to try to get a peek at the page.