C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby Myrtle??? Haughtines eyebrows raised on her face giving her a surprised sort of look. She incorrectly concluded that she must have been some sort of assistant to the flying professor, but paused her thought when Salander asked about her still being present at the school which made her sound like some type of urban legend to Haughtine.
She frowned, but her frowns quickly became stifled giggle fits as she witnessed Salander and his champion buddy, Fletcher falling upside their brooms. She pressed her long sleeve to the lower half of her face and sucked in large quantities of air in an attempt to silence her laugh.
Well, no time to lose in getting better at flying. She was beginning to think that with the extra weight of the wet mop, it might make for a better attempt at flying than a broom for her. Yes. It would be slower and sturdier and she could use that to her advantage.
Haughtine slung one skinny leg over the side of the mop handle and kicked off. It went veeeeery slowly as predicted. Haughtine's natural reaction was to grip it tighter, but instead of pushing her body into the mop handle, she pulled the mop handle into her body, which caused her to go upright and vertical. In no time she found herself in a slow spin with the top of her mop drawing a large circle in the air. |