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Old 09-17-2010, 03:59 AM   #182 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maximus O. Vindictus III
First Year
No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher

Originally Posted by PattyH. View Post
"Well for one, it would be seriously had to hold onto the bathtub, if you became completely inverted, and also steering I am sure would be an issue"

Patroclus could see himself slipping and sliding within the tub, having not control over his or the tubs movements, "and if you were short, vision would be an issue too!"

Perhaps booster seats?
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
"Flying a bathtub would be..... awfully slow! Cuz its heavy. Not to mention cold, specially if the tub is made out of porcelain. " Salander replied.
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Well, that one dude's answer was pretty...true. Unless you stuck a sticking charm on yourself and placed yourself in the bathtub or chair then you totally could!

...Had that ever been attempted before?

"It would be boring." Simple as that. "Not to mention difficult. How can you even steer a bathtub?" Thinking it over though, she tried to imagine what quidditch would be like if they all flew bathtubs. Hehe and what an image THAT was. Of course, she totally was going to draw that later on when she was in the Slytherin common room. Just hopefully that French girl wasn't there invading the room. Meh. "And you'd look rather ridiculous. What with all the bugs that would have hit the bathtub when you fly around, and you being all bent down in the tub to get away from the bugs, and the fact's a bathtub only enhances ones' inability to control their laughter when they see such a funny sight."

Which, she would surely be laughing at whoever decides to try to fly a bathtub. Perhaps even carry around a camera? Hehe.
Originally Posted by Yaya View Post
Fly in a bathtub?! Annie quickly raised her hand, well...maybe like twenty seconds after the question was made.

"Well, a bathtub itself is make turns...and there is just space for yourself...and maybe a little person. But that'd be totally impossible..." She said, still thinking about her answer. "Not to mention it might be wet...and the metal tubes...those things would keep leaking water...." Yeah, that'd be totally uncomfortable. "'d require a lot of magic to make it fly, go up..." Not like a flying carpet...because it could be spread, and maybe three or more people would fit on it.
Originally Posted by Nymphadoraliz View Post
Knitting his eyebrows, he replies "Well, it's a lot bigger and bulkier, and easily seen from the ground. Making it a lot more difficult to hide yourself from muggles."
Originally Posted by Walrus View Post
Flying a bath tub? " that would be awesome, you just got to lay back, maybe take a nice warm bath. Sure it might be kinda heavy. But we could just invent a stronger flying charm, it would be completely awesome." oh yeah, he so wanted to try that. Hmm... He looked over a Patroclus, maybe that could be next years project. " wait! are we flying in a bathtub today?" cause why else would professor V be asking this
"No, Jacob. We're not flying bathtubs today," chuckeld Vindictus.

Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun View Post
Why would anyone want to fly a bathtub? That just sounded absurd. Though he couldn't help but picture it in his mind. The bathtub filled with water and soap suds, with a little rubber ducky and a man with a shower cap. Before he could stop himself he was laughing hard and rolled backwards onto his back as he kept laughing. It was a hilarious sight.

Gathering himself he cleared his throat and shrugged, "It'd be awkward. Couldn't really see much. And the soap suds would go everywhere, people would think it was raining or snowing, suds would look like snow wouldn't they...," he said bursting out in laughter again so hard his sides were hurting now.
Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 View Post
Oh thank heavens! Alice was so glad to be back on the firm ground and away from that broom that clearly had a sick sense of humor. She put it into the rack and walked away from it, waiting for instructions from the teacher.

"I personally feel that flying in a tub might be more safe than a broom. If you're sitting in it you are surrounded by walls, which gives you less of a chance of falling out...unless of course it flips, but if you can control it then you are okay. Plus if you are being attacked you could always duck down and use the sides as shields from spells." Alice contemplated flying around in a tub. Yes, that would be much better.
Originally Posted by Gryffindorgurl View Post
"Uncomfortable." Amber grinned. "First it'd be hard on your butt, so you'd have to keep moving around to keep it from falling asleep. Second, it'd get either really cold or really hot in that tub. Hey, if it was really hot you could have water in the bathtub and just wear a bathing suit or... something." She smiled. "Third, how do you steer it? Like, do you tip it over to one side or are there buttons or something that you have to add? Fourth, are there airbags in it? For when you crash into a tree or dog."
Originally Posted by Herminny View Post
"A bath tub??? Well, i must say it would take quite a good wizard to do it well cause bathyubs are quite heavy which means an average wizard would only be able to fly it rather low. And once more a bath tub is a huge square which would make steering quite an in interesting task.".
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

Bathtubs? That was... that would be such a weird vehicle. Even to Fletcher.

"Bathtubs are no good cuz... they aren't aerodynamic? And wouldn't that be awkward if some Muggle did happen to see you flying through the air? A broom might not be as visible or obviously magical... but a giant ole bathtub would stick out like sore thumb. Plus think of the impossible steering. And what if you got stuck?"

Though if they did decide to start flying bathtubs, Fletcher would be much more comfortable and could sink down and hide in the tub.
Originally Posted by Ivy Nienna View Post
Leaning back on her elbows in the grass, Ivory had to admit for it being a lesson it was quite relaxing. As a gust of wind picked up a few strands of hair she quickly pushed them out of her face and raised a hand lazily.

"Well I would think they wouldn't be as aerodynamic as brooms." No where near, actually. Seriously, who wanted to see a game of quidditch played with flying bathtubs...well now actually that sounded quite fun.
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
A bathtub?

"It seems like it would be hard to fly a bathtub. I mean... to turn it and tilt it. Brooms are much easier to control. Not to mention they're thinner. Bathtubs probably couldn't go nearly as fast as brooms can." Ellie said.
"Good thoughts, all of you so I guess two points each should suffice," he replied and he pulled out his wand. With a simple swish and flick, the broom rack vanished. A few more flicks and jabs, and a line of rag mops marched out from the castle.

Light glistened on their bottoms as they came to a halt and hovered in mid-air.



Beneath each mop, droplets fell to the grass. These weren't just rag mops, they were WET RAG MOPS.

"Everyone - grab a mop and get in line! Make sure you're holding the mop in your left hand!" Vindictus ordered and he clapped his hands gleefully.

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