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Old 09-17-2010, 03:16 AM   #167 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maximus O. Vindictus III
First Year
No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher

Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun View Post
Miles' eyebrows drew down at Professor V's next question in puzzlement, "Aren't flying carpets illegal?" Well he vaguely remembered reading something about that. "And we don't use those things cause it's kind of awkward and you can't really hide a flying bathtub or recliner, they wouldn't go as fast. But isn't tampering with muggle objects like that illegal as well?" Or was he just missing something...could be...he was still feeling kinda weird.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC View Post
Bathtubs and recliners? Had the man gone crazy... probably. Raising her hand she said "Bathtubs and recliners wouldn't be very convenient and they probably wouldn't be very aerodynamic either. You wouldn't be able to get the same speed on those as you can a broom." Yeah, Marie was all about flying FAST, unlike Destiny, or Evan some people she knew.
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Why in the world would people use bathtubs? Seriously?! Bahahaha!

"Well for one, a broom is way more easier to lug around than a bathtub is." she said, raising her hand once more before leaning back again on the grass. "And you wouldn't get any funny glances either, but it's more the fact that brooms are easier to conceal from the muggles."

It could also do with the fact that brooms were way more wind resistant then a bathtub or...recliner. Besides, that ravenclaw dude was right. Aren't flying carpets illegal? Unless there was some new law she missed, then she totally wanted one!!
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Salander turned to look at the Professor seeing stars dancing on his blond head Wha??? he wondered as he tried to shake off the dizzyness. Is he asking why we fly in general or why we fly on broomsticks? Cuz thats what I wanna know too.... he blinked as he tried to think whey they even get on flying sticks in general...."Because... broomsticks are relatively easy to retrieve and put away-- i mean you dont need a garage to store a single broom right? They're also portable that it can be brought anywhere, and..... they're flexible enough for quick maneuvering during high speed flight." Right, like he could've used a bit of that flexibility when he was in the air.

Originally Posted by The1HBIC
"Bathtubs are bulky? And recliners are awkward in the air" Imagine trying to handle turbulence on that "And carpets..... arent they banned in this country?" He thought he heard something about that.....
Originally Posted by PattyH. View Post
"Because Recliner's and Bathtubes, lack serious aerodynamics, can you image the drag on those things?" Patroclus luaghed, picturing himself zipping across the sky in his father's favourite chair.
"And as for Magic Carpets, I heard they can be quite tempermental.....but then again so can old brooms."
Patroclus thought they still used Magic Carpets in the wizarding communities of the Arab nations, but he could not be sure
Originally Posted by Walrus View Post
Well that was obvious wasn't it? Wizards liked sitting uncomfortably, more than sitting relaxed in a recliner. Wait were these asked last year and the year before that. "We ride brooms because they are much easier to store and hide from muggles"he then realized something "cause you know, when muggles see recliners and bathtubs they immediately think magic" he said sarcastically.
Originally Posted by Yaya View Post
Well. YAY! Finally, time to get down, at least try to. Annie looked around as people talked about the freedom you could feel when riding a broom. Annie was not so sure about it, but they were right, what if she didn't learn to apparate. That'd be terror for her. Raising her hand for the next answer, she said " for flying carpets, they are banned...because they can be seen by muggles...not to mention they're a bit uncomfortable to move around." Yeah, like where could you keep a flying carpet if you needed to travel every once in a while?

"And I think it goes for bathtubs too. The whole security, the secret way we live in front of the Muggles' eyes." She mentioned, just guessing though.
Originally Posted by Gryffindorgurl View Post
Amber thought about this one for a moment. She raised her hand and said, "Because brooms are much more easier to navigate in the air. If you use a bathtub or a recliner, there's no way to really steer it! Plus flying carpets are illegal." She added this last part as an agreement with Miles or Tiles or whatever his name was. "Plus, wouldn't a bathtub be uncomfortable to fly in? I mean really, think about it. It's all metal and cold and stuff. A broom is much more comfy."
Originally Posted by Nymphadoraliz
His eyes lighting up as he knows the precise answer of why he wouldn't want a flying bathtub or rug "Because you can't fly upside down in them." he replies seriously.

Vindictus nodded. "Again, one point for your answers. But try to think outside of the box! I don't care about the rules and regulations or what the Ministry thinks or if Muggles can see. Focus on this question - what would it be like to fly, let's say, a bathtub?"

Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!

Last edited by demented_death_eater; 09-17-2010 at 03:17 AM. Reason: had to add Liz's answer
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