Post III Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia Quote:
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu Ellie was finishing her little invisible circle of a path that she'd mapped out in her head, when she saw Vashti. Heyyy. "Hey Vashti! Nice to be in the air again?" It sure was for her... Flying at Hogwarts was... somehow different than at home. More... fun. "Fancy a race?" Vashti was just beginning to plan out the angle and starting position of her first dive when Ellie suddenly approached her. Fellow (former?) Quidditch teammate! "Definitely," she answered the girl's first question with a grin. "Feels like ages since I was last on a broom." Because it was ages ago. Sadly. Oh, a race? The races last year had been AWESOME. But they hadn't had to worry about certain invisible barriers and what-not. Even so... "Yeah, definitely!" she said with a nod. She just couldn't resist. Slow flying was just too boring, and she could try diving another time. Hopefully.
"Anyone else want to join us?" she called to no one in particular. Because racing with several people was even more fun than just a single opponent. Though it was tons of fun either way, honestly.
__________________ if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥  together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger |