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Old 09-16-2010, 09:21 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Jimbo will set his turtle loose on you. { The Farley } "That's trademarked, don't use it."

Originally Posted by Nixy! View Post
Iris walked into the Hospital wing, with Leilani still with her and Birdy!Jimbo cowering in her cupped hands. The fool was probably being all self-pitiful and wanting some pity off of her and 'Lani. But that wasn't going to happen. It was pretty much all self inflicted.

Glaring at anyone who gave her a funny look for assuming that she'd brought her pet to the Hospital wing to be fixed, she DARED them to question it, just with her eyes.

The prefect found a couple of empty seats, and then sat down. She sighed and glanced at Leilani, with a small, amused smile on her face. Jimbo better be greatful for their efforts. And all the pinches and loss of hair.

Mean, girl hating bird.

Then She look back down at Birdy!Jimbo, with a caring smile finding its way to her lips. Iris softly stroked Birdy!Jimbo's feathers on his head.

Hopefully Healer Moretti wouldn't be too long... and would be able to fix him.

And if she could... then Iris hoped that Jimbo wouldn't be able to remember the list of things she'd tried to lure him down with...

Well, one of them, anyhow.
Originally Posted by Zoom View Post
Leilani followed Iris into the Hospital Wing.

Wow. So this was what it was like. Thankfully she hadn't gotten injured too badley in the past term and had never needed to know where it was. Okay, third floor-- she'd keep that in mind.

She took a seat next to Monty and looked down at Jimbo!birdy. "See what happens when you decide to be stupid?" she asked him, though she highly doubted he'd answer. At this point she was more complaining.

Lani crossed one leg over the other and leaned back in her seat. Eeeeew, it smelled like a doctor's office. Y'know... cleaner and stuff.

Poor Bird!Jimbo was chirping sadly, obviously in pain. His broken wing stuck out at practically a ninety degree angle than it's original position. As the bird cowered in pain, it's wing was twitching a lot. But when the golden haired giant stroked the feathers on his head it stopped twitching for that one second and completely relaxed. It felt good to have someone pet him. Made the bird feel just a tad better.

The tiny giant spoke. He wasn't exactly listening though, so he didn't catch what she had said. Which means that he didn't try to launch himself at her again and risk another break of his tiny little bird bones.

The green bird just lay in the giant's hands and enjoyed the petting of his tiny head.
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