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"I don't doubt that you are qualified to teach astronomoy, Professor," Di said quietly. She had not been trying to cast suspicion on his aptitude. "I can appreciate how big a place the universe is." More than most people perhaps, given that she could not even search this country [forget the biiiig universe] completely for... a Jarnsaxa.
Norse mythology? Di shook her head. "No Norse mythology," she said quietly. She sounded like she knew that for certain. "It has to be the moon." Pause. "Unless there is some sort of cookie named Jarnsaxa out there, I mean. Or there really is no background there, and the use of that name is only a coincidence." Hazel-eyed blink. That last prospect sounded terrible. Please no?
She stood up straighter. Not that it helped much, given that Professor Antartica - Antenna - Risu was still half a foot or so taller than her. "Thank you for your time, Risu. I apologize again for -" Wasting your time - "Barging in. I didn't mean to knock the door open like that."
Right. She could go back to her office and give this search up, now. Like she should have, long ago.
"It has to be the moon, you say?" Risu pursed his lips, confused. Something had to make Davina sure of that, her announcement had been fairly... forceful, but from his perspective - which was of the thrown-off-guard variety - the sequence was kind of reversed. The Norse name Járnsaxa had been first. Hadn't it?
Davina seemed to be thoroughly distressed over his lack of help. He flipped the book open again, rereading the end of the entry where references had been listed. At first glance they all had to do with the astronomical properties of the moon, but perhaps if he started digging a little, he could find some sort of anthropological research as well...?
"I'm sorry I can't help you," he said apologetically, inserting the pencil in the encyclopaedia once more, "not right away at least. But..." he waved a hand vaguely in the direction of his shelves, "if you wanted me to look through the rest of my books, I could certainly do that. I could also contact a few of my former colleagues and students. The community of astrophysicists is a rather small one, and you wouldn't believe the peculiar interests of some of my peers."
He smiled nostalgically. "Maybe someone there has specialised, if you can call it that, on names derived from astronomical objects." His smile widened for a moment. "Such as mine. Or... well, of course, I do not mean to presuppose a course of action you might not want to take, or to suggest something you haven't tried already, but our librarian here at Hogwarts could quite likely help. I haven't really talked to her yet," Risu added, "but I'm sure she is very knowledgeable."