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And then he pulled back, her hands were still in his hair. Her eyes were shut, a smile rising on the blonde's face. This was what she wanted, errr...kind of. She wanted to be able to show him off as her boyfriend as well but that was the NEXT step. She was pleased as of now of course, totally pleased. She just snogged the boy for crying out loud! Pfftttt...of course when she was kind of giving up hope it happened. Hehh. The blonde opened her eyes, flickering them at him. She pulled her hands out from his hair, smirking."I think you know the answer to that Aiden."She said her voice calm. On the inside she was flipping barns out of excitement.
"Did you enjoy yourself too....?"Savvy said while poking him in the cheek gently. He had to, it was a Savvy snog and those were the BEST snogs. It was just like common sense. Hehh. She looked back at the scruff, an amazed expression on her face. That was just so random and HAPPY.
Those feelings for being upset over Daddy? Yeah, they were gone.
Aiden smiled, waiting, watching for her to open her eyes. She seemed to be stretching the moment for as long as it'd last. Finally, he saw her eyelashes flutter open and he saw green eyes. "
I suppose I do know the answer to that." It was fun kissing her, but he was also glad that it served as a distraction. Now there was no more dwelling on stupid, rubbish father issues. He still hadn't even told her what happened this past week..
At her next question he gave a curt laugh and rolled his eyes. "
Of course. Why do you think I kissed you?," he smiled. He leaned his side against the wall and folded his arms. The seventh year did his best to not think about her, but it proved difficult; Ella was going to hate him.