Moooooooo. :) || Have a supermegafoxyawesomehot Christmas.
Jenny grew nervous. She was excited to learn how to ride for the first time, but not really as excited as her father was when he talked about how interesting Quidditch seemed compared to soccer and how he watched other people fly on brooms. Softly, she kicked off the ground. The Cleansweep was going higher and higher for a few inches...then it quickly went back down.
Huh. That was odd. She tried kicking off the ground again. Same thing happened, except she was a few inches higher. Maybe it had something to do with her nervous. Okay, calm down, Jenny. Calm down...
After she calmed down, Jenny kicked off, more firmly this time. Soon the broom eventually rose to a few feet in the air, and she slowly turned her broom to the left. The broom made a smooth, quick left turn. Wow. Maybe flying isn't so bad after all.
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