<.< >,> v.v ^,^! Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl Bbboundaries? How was Fletcher supposed to obey some silly boundaries if he couldn't even control a broom? The boy bit his lip hard and swung one leg over the stick, too nervous to really sit down and enjoy the cushioning effect the Cleansweep carried.
At least they hadn't had to kick off yet. That was when he would surely be bucked from his broom and land on his bottom as it laughed at him and flew off to the forest. Sitting up from her lazy position on the grass, Ivory smiled at the Professor and made her way over to the row of brooms.
Hand trailing over the various ones, she finally came upon one that seemed sturdy and reliable. Whispering greetings to her soon to be airborne companion of the day, she took it with he, held firmly in her left hand, to a nice little patch of unoccupied grass next to Fletcher or should she say 'oh mighty Hufflepuff champion'? Said champion who looked a bit green?
Hiding her smile, she turned a bit to listen to the Professor. Boundaries? Height restrictions? Oh bully.
With a small sigh, she swung a leg over the trusty broom and centered herself preparing to push off. At the last second, she turned towards Fletcher. "Don't worry, be happy! Its flying after all." Grinning, she kicked gently against the grassy area the motion sending her gliding forward until her feet were no longer anywhere near touching the grass. Whistling the song that went with the encouraging phrase, she went about her merry way flying low for now while she remembered all the rudimentary skills.
Last edited by Ivy Nienna; 09-16-2010 at 03:46 AM.
Reason: 0.o ravenclaw what typo fail