Salander strode out to the green grass by the castle.
Flying classes..... He
was looking forward to it, but wasnt half as confident as he felt he should be. For some strange happenstance nearly all his previous schools wasnt much of an advocate for flying-- why fly when you can apparate, or for the young'uns such as himself, use a port key.
What was that term Finchley said? Americans are all about being johnny quick? Whatever... he mused as he approached the students already forming around a man he could only guess was the Flying Professor.
"Greet'ns Chief. " Salander nodded at the blond man, then took a spot on the grass, leaning on his hands and stretching his legs in front of him.
Originally Posted by
Vindictus cleared his throat and finally started the lesson. "I'm glad that many of you decided to show up for today's lesson on Flying Essentials. For some of you, this will be your first-ever flying lesson, and for others this is basic review with the perks of being able to fly."
He stopped and smiled. "I want each of you to grab a Cleansweep and line up along the side of the path. Make sure that you're holding the broom in your left hand but don't mount it!"
And before he knew it, the Professor was giving instructions.
Doesnt waste much time does he? he smiled inwardly as he took a Cleansweep for himself. He held the broom aloft as he gave it a good look, then shrugged. He couldnt help but grin at the blond man's comment
Basic review.... and then some. he snickered.