Join Date: Jul 2006 Location: California, Palmdale
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jacqueline Marie Granger Sixth Year | Run, Emma, Run! Quote:
Originally Posted by Weirdo5 Ahh dude! I LOVE it!!! 
Hahaha i can totally see Hermione's sister falling for Harry even though he like Hermione.
BUT what about Ron??! 
Can't wait for the next chapter!  I am glad you are enjoying this story so far It makes me happy that so many people are happy with my FF. And don't worry hun, Ron is going to show up really soon. 
Now I know I was suppose to post the third chapter on Sunday but I have been super busy with college stuff and I barely got time today to continue with my story and it's 12:41 AM my time so you all get the picture right?
I'm sorry it took me so long but here it is my readers Chapter three! Chapter Three: Surprise!
“Hermione wake up” Harry whispered, gently shaking her. “Your mom has breakfast ready for us before we all leave to Rons.”
Hermione turned to see Harry standing next to her bed, fully dressed.
“Harry? Where did you sleep?” Hermione asked getting up. She waved her wand and with one swift motion her bed was made.
“In the living room on the couch” Harry responded. “I headed downstairs after you fell asleep.”
Last night Harry had spent most of the night convincing Hermione that Jacqueline’s arrival was something good to look forward too. After what seemed like ages Hermione ended up agreeing with Harry and fell asleep.
“Oh. I need to take a quick shower. Have you gone to wake up Jacqueline?” Hermione asked gathering her clothes.
Harry shook his head. He didn’t tell Hermione what had happened between him and Jacqueline yesterday. He didn’t want her to know anything until he knew what was going on. Hermione finally had a sister, the sister she had always wanted in her life, and he wasn’t going to ruin it for her…he loved her to much to do such a thing.
“Can you go do that please? I’m sure she’s packed and everything, all she had out yesterday was her books.”
“Sure Mione” Harry said heading for the door.
“Thank you Harry” Hermione smiled stopping him and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “You, my friend, are a life saver! I know my parents expect me to help her out and all morning to night and I will, just after a shower.”
And with that Hermione ran off towards the bathroom.
Harry watched her leave. “Friend…that’s all I’ll ever be to you isn’t it?”
Harry sighed and headed for Jackie’s room. He knocked once, then twice. When there was no answer Harry opened the door expecting to find her fast asleep in her bed but was surprised to see that her room was empty. Her belongings were gone and her bed was made. It looked as if she was never there.
Harry closed the door and went downstairs into the kitchen. Mr. Granger had already left for work and Mrs. Granger was in the kitchen reading the paper. He looked around for Jacqueline and nothing.
“Mrs. Granger?” Harry asked.”Where’s Jacqueline?”
“She left last night Harry” Mrs. Granger responded, clearly upset. “She wanted to go back to France but Dumbledore came and took her to Hogwarts early.”
“Dumbledore was here?”
Harry was surprised. Usually Dumbledore came looking for him. If Jacqueline had something to do with him shouldn’t Dumbledore be getting him involved too?
“Yes Harry, now is Hermione ready? Mr. Weasley will be arriving in about an hour to take you two to his house.”
“I’ll go check” Harry said as he left the kitchen, Mrs. Granger was no happy camper this morning. He ran back upstairs and called for Hermione.
“Yes Harry?” Hermione said opening her bedroom door fully dressed and ready.
“Looks like your problem is gone” Harry said referring to Hermione’s comment from last night, ‘She’ll be nothing but a problem to me at school.’
Hermione looked at Harry in shock, “What?”
“You know it’s kind of funny how you knew exactly who I was talking about. Well yeah, Dumbledore came to get her as she tried to make a run for it.”
“She wanted to go back to France? Well I wouldn’t blame her, I treated her pretty bad yesterday” Hermione sighed.
“I don’t think it was you that had her running” Harry mumbled.
Hermione however did not hear Harry as she descended the stairs into the kitchen. And at a quarter past eight Mr. Weasley arrived to escort Harry and Hermione to the burrow. With Voldemort rising to power it was no longer safe to travel alone, especially for Harry.
“So Hermione” Mr. Weasley said as they made their way towards a hidden port key. “I hear you’ve discovered a long lost sister.”
Hermione looked at Mr. Weasley surprised, “How…?”
“Dumbledore” Mr. Weasley smiled.
“Why is it that Dumbledore tells the entire world what’s going on besides me!?” Harry snapped.
“Ah yes well maybe he’s waiting to talk to you and Jacqueline alone” Mr. Weasley said.
Harry and Hermione stopped walking. They had arrived at a hill and Mr. Weasley was searched for the port key among the bushes.
“I’m sure it’s here somewhere,” Mr. Weasley said, bending over bushes. “Can you two look over…?”
Mr. Weasley stopped talking as he caught Hermione and Harry looking at him with curiosity.
“Oh dear” Mr. Weasley moaned. “I’ve said too much haven’t I? Look you two I am not going to say anything else about Jacqueline and whatever she’s involved in. That is Dumbledore’s business to tell not mine, and yes Harry that is why he has been telling everyone else but you because it’s his business to tell and he just hasn’t chosen to tell you yet. Now both of you look for the port key, we are twenty minutes behind schedule and Molly will be worried.”
Harry frowned and went over to a bush. Mr. Weasley had never been so demanding before. “Found it,” Harry sighed as he kicked a boot out from under the bushes.
“Excellent!” Mr. Weasley smiled.
Within seconds Harry and Hermione landed with a thud in the Weasley’s backyard while Mr. Wealsey floated to the ground.
“Still haven’t learned?” He laughed as he reached the ground.
“Arthur there you are!” came Mrs. Weasley’s voice from within the house. “I was worried sick!”
Mr. Weasley sighed, “Told you.”
Mrs. Weasley came running out the back door to embrace her husband. She then looked down and noticed Harry and Hermione on the floor.
“Harry my dear boy!” she smiled as Harry stood up. “You are much too thin, it’s a good thing you came here a few days before you left to Hogwarts. I’ll have you looking fuller than ever! Hermione dear how are you?”
“Thanks Mrs. Weasley” Harry smiled. “Just what I need, twenty pounds under my belt.”
Hermione laughed as Harry helped her up. “I don’t think Ginny likes her guys chubby.”
Harry frowned. “Hermione how many times do I have to…?”
“I know Harry, I know. I was joking.”
Harry had no intentions with Ron’s younger sister. However, Hermione thought otherwise and it bugged him.
“Stupid Hermione” Harry thought. “For such a smart girl she is completely blind to the fact that I’m in love with her.”
“Ronald as you know is still asleep. That boy has grown a lot over the summer and all he seems to do is sleep and eat occasionally…he doesn’t seem to be hungry lately” Mrs. Weasley muttered to herself as they entered the house.
Hermione and Harry decided to head upstairs as Mrs. Weasley busied herself with breakfast. Mr. Weasley had settled down at the table with the Daily Prophet.
“Hermione…can I ask you something?” Harry asked as they went up the stairs.
“Yeah Harry?”
“How…how would you feel if I asked you out?” Harry muttered.
“Whoops!” Hermione said as she tripped.
“Are you okay?” Harry asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry Harry I didn’t catch what you said” Hermione said as she got up.
“I…I was just asking you what you would think if…if I asked Jacqueline out.”
Hermione stopped dead in her tracks. Harry passed her on the stairs and turned around as he reached the top floor. “Well?”
“I…I think you two would make a great couple” Hermione smiled.
“Great “Harry smiled. “Thanks for the approval Mione. Now I’m going to get some rest, see you in a bit.”
And with that Harry entered Ron’s room and shut the door. He was grateful that Ron was such a heavy sleeper as he threw his bag onto the floor and kicked it.
“Why Harry why!” Harry snapped. He had the perfect opportunity to ask Hermione out and he instead went and asked Hermione for permission to date Jacqueline.
“I swear you are the biggest idiot alive Potter!” Harry whispered as he threw himself onto the extra bed that was set up for him.
“I disagree” came a voice from underneath Ron’s pillow. “You are the biggest lunatic alive.”
Ron turned over and said, “Good morning to you too mate.”
“Sorry Ron I didn’t mean to wake you” Harry frowned.
“It’s alright” Ron said sitting up. “I need to talk to you anyways.”
“What’s up?” Harry asked.
“So last night Dumbledore stopped by the house and introduced us all to Jacqueline. Let me just say she is very good looking” Ron laughed. “But anyways, after the introductions were done with Dumbledore asked if he could have a private talk with Mum and Dad. Well you know we all left but that didn’t stop Fred and George from using a new product they have for their joke shop. It’s this type of powder that makes the walls of an entire house paper thin. Well anyways we could hear everything Dumbledore was saying…and I know Dumbledore made us swear to not tell you because we got caught afterwards but I have to tell you what was said.”
At that moment Harry didn’t know whether he wanted Ron to continue or for him to stay quiet. Harry wasn’t sure if he wanted to know what he and Jacqueline had to do with one another.
“Jacqueline is your…”
Just then there was a knock on the door that made both of them jump.
“Ron? Harry? Mum says breakfast is ready” Ginny could be heard saying as she descended the stairs to the next floor where Ginny’s room was located. That was also where Hermione would be sleeping for the next few nights.
“Ron tell me what you were going to say” Harry said as Ron began to get up.
“After breakfast mate come on. I think this information is not something you should take in on an empty stomach.”
And within five minutes Ron was ready and out the door.
There you go I hope you all enjoy!
Much Love,
__________________  A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
Last edited by Come What May; 09-15-2010 at 08:03 AM.