and for JD too Snake disguised as Raven Browncoat Quote:
Originally Posted by grangerfan8 After she and Kellen had spread the word about all the projects they would be making in the Great Hall, she bound into the hall excited to be making her pom poms. She, of course, had lost slow poke Kellen on one of the many floors, but she didn't look the least bit disappointed by this fact. He knew where she would be. Twas all that matter. Well, in Kellen's defense, Arya moved like blazes and didn't really care if people behind her slipped and fell from rubber-necking after her. Besides, he had dignity, and he was determined to maintain it., there were already people here. He had walked slower than... no. No it was fine.
He sent a smirk at the only other boy in the room, picking up one of the poofiest pompoms on the table, "Oh, come on. It's only embarrassing if you let it be. 'sides, no one will be looking at you, anyway."
Because most apparently, waving pompoms didn't count towards damaging his dignity. |