Originally Posted by
DH Vixen
Sylvie looked back to the stairs and shook her head. "Mister Fletcher, accidents happen and one can never be too careful." she replied with her arms crossed now. She had have to hand it to them for thinking up such an idea, but the sheer danger involved was what troubled her.
Yes, there had been times when similar things had been done, but those events were under the close supervision. This wasn't one of those times, now was it?
Shaking her head as she heard the suggestion of herself taking a turn. "I can not do that in good judgement, as fun as it maybe. It's far to dangerous and what kind of example would that be?" No, she wouldn't take a go, even if she wanted too.
Once again she shook her head and turned toward the Beauxbatons Champion. "Monsieur Laurent, is this the way a champion should be behaving? What would Headmistress Enzo think?" Again, she was rather disappointed in the champions before her.
"Give me a reason why I shouldn't go start to Headmaster Tate and the other headmasters?" She would give them the opportunity to explain themselves, but they really had to convince her. Uhh Uhhh Uhh.... No.. Professor was making the champions feel guilty, and they didn't even want to be here. Besides Fletcher of course. Rae was going to have to step up and take it all wouldn't she? Of course she would, how else could everyone not get in trouble unless Rae took the blame. Which, it was her fault anyways. Rae was just about to explain that she could go to Headmaster Tate about Rae and leave everyone else out. Before she could say anything she heard French Dude's voice.
Originally Posted by
Noel Laurent
Headmistress Enzo. Oh dear Merlin, don't let her find out. Not here, not ever! She couldn't know!
Taking a tiny step back, and standing up even straighter as if that would get him out of trouble, Noel stared at the professor. First of all, he was trying to remember her name, and second of all, he was trying to see if she was actually serious in telling his Headmistress. She looked pretty serious. When was a professor never serious about a punishment though? And this, was definitely a punishment. The idea of being punished, was punishment enough.
"Professor..." Something. Clearing his throat, he took the step back forward and lowering his voice a bit so he'd stop stammering as he glanced at the others. "I was just telling zem zat perhaps we should take zis water slide idea outside. It iz much safer zat way." They all were witness to his panic attack! "And, I zink zey were just beginning to agree az well and see reason when you showed up."
Right? Please, someone tell him he was right and others were going to agree. "Oui?" Queue the others agreeing with him would be nice.
WHAT? OH MERLIN! What a fantastic idea! Oh Rae needed to think of a major way to thank him for this later. Maybe there was a chance they could get out of this after all. He said something that Rae didn't understand, but at this moment she would agree with anything he said.
"Oui, Yeah... We were just going to, you know... Move it along... Outside, that is." Rae exclaimed with confidence and nodding her head. How could she ever repay French Dude if this actually worked?
Thoughts, memories, they were back though. Even if Rae got out of trouble or not, the thoughts were back. Getting rid of them now seemed impossible. Breathing, almost seemed impossible.