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Viky stood still, a safe distance away from the crazed tree - or so she hoped, anyway. She didn't want to be hit by one of the giant tree limbs that were flailing around everywhere. No sireee. She knew she was a klutz and all, but the hospital wing? No thanks. Hospitals scared her. So she just stood, admiring the Willow from afar. Better safe than sorry, wasn't that the saying?
She sort of hoped someone she knew would turn up, though. It was rather lonely here all by herself. Well, her and the tree. And a couple people she didn't know... perhaps she'd introduce herself to them? Eh. Maybe. Twirling a small lock of chocolate hair around her finger, she looked around for a likely suspect. Perferably, a boy.
He had heard about this tree that apparently whomped people? Probably why it was called the Whomping Willow tree, oui? Trying to find the place where this tree was though was the hard part. He hadn't done all that much exploring of the grounds as of yet, mostly sticking close to the lovely pathway and lake for fear of getting lost, but today he was just in the exploring mood.
And, he had been walking for quite sometime, looking for this tree. Perhaps he should just go back inside? The cold had been bothering him as well during the time, and the thought of going back into the warmer castle was definitely inviting. At least he had brought a jacket this time. However from afar, his eyes suddenly spotted a rather strange looking tree. Was this it?
Making his way up the smallish hill towards it, he paused for a moment, just staring at the swaying branches. It looked, unnatural almost since there was no breeze or wind that he could feel. Frowning, Noel glanced around, only to notice a girl not so far away from him. Maybe she knew?
"Excuse moi, mademoiselle." he said, walking up to her.
"I must ask, iz zis ze whomping willow tree I have heard so much about?"