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ImaBRE! "Uh, okay." Beck told Bonnie. "I guess I'll take that nickname." Beck smiled at her. Okay so the nickname was kinda odd but it was better that what Savvy called him. He didn't like being called Becky. Now one bit.
He likes it!
N'aww. He's gonna be a gewd bestie.
So. Have you found a cutie-girlish-peep yet?" Frown. Why didn't she just say girlfriend. Ah well. Bonnie Mariaaaaaa Campbell don't say what everyone else says. She's one of a kind. Ohhh yeahhh. Bonnie lifted have of her mouth up in a grin. "
So... have you?" She pressed the subject.
*hair flick*
You can't flick back your hair. You're a thought!
So..Bonnie can flick her hair back.
Bonnie flicked back her hair absentmindily.