Originally Posted by
"All right," Fletcher accepted the Tiger!Professor's challenge with narrowed eyes, then almost scoffed at her question. "Well that's easy," he rolled his eyes. "When Cupcake was a baby, we started her off on a diet of mostly firewhiskey, gradually working her up to stronger and stronger stuff. I'd say, now that she's probably going on about two years old," sniff sniff, they do grow up so fast, "she's probably already on to single-malt whiskey."
Cue triumphant smirk. 
Seeing that the boy was about to start explaining what dietary habits the Abraxan had, Maya simply regarded him, standing quite still.
And then he started and finished.
"I would say that's an exellent observation, Mister Fletcher, but it is a rather textbook answer." So, no, not exellent.
"Probably?" Squint.
"I do suggest that you read up on wether or not Cupcake, the two year-old Abraxan is indeed supposed to drink such things. I do not tolorate doubt when it comes to creatures in my care." Quote:
Originally Posted by
Rubiey went to the cottage. It looked adorable. *sqeeee* She knocked twice, and stood back.
Another knocker.
The Mexicana turned towards the newcomer, seeing her through...the invisible door. Heh.
"Yes? How can I...help you?" Quote:
Originally Posted by
Kurumi took off her shoes, something very familiar to her, and left them in the entry way facing toes towards the door so she would be ready to put them on when she was ready to exit. She bowed before entering the home and whispered a soft, "Excuse me for the intrusion..." as she stepped inside. The inside was beautiful and Kurumi especially admired the large window. "Um...my name is Kurumi Hollingberry," she said adjusting her skirt to make sure it was nice and straight. "I'm a first year." She paused for a moment. "I have always had an interest in magical creatures...although I must admit that my education on them is limited to what I have found in muggle books..."she was probably talking about herself a little too much. "I wonder if it would be OK for me to ask you some advice about my cat and perhaps you could recommend some books for me to read about the topic of magical creatures before your class begins?"
Maya stood back and watched as the girl bowed again and then stepped inside.
Ah, another first year.
"Good day, Kurumi Hollingberry." Yes?
...eh, what?
This girl was not that educated in magical creatures because her
muggle book didn't have much info about them? Oh, Merlin's tortilla, Maya hoped not.
Cat advice?
Hm. "What is your concern regarding your cat?" As for books? How about every Magical Creature book in the library.
Originally Posted by
Michael White
"No Mam I can tend to him just fine" looking to the bird "Sorry Bubba she said no you just going to have to get on ,and try not to fight no more" looking a bit upset " he is an owl he never been in a flock befor. Up untill 3 weeks ago I never knew that owl's hung out together,So I raised him like any outher hoot owl.Not a messanger I just thought it was a bonus that he would do it. stroking the birds head and giving him some jerk squirrel "so if you dont mind I need to go"
Well, that is good. Anyone showing that they could not care sufficient for a creature would most likely be getting a word or two from the Mexicana.
Her eyes narrowed a little when the boy explained the situation - not that it changed her mind.
"Regular pet owls don't usually live in flocks, Mister White, we have domesticated them too well for that. What I'm saying is that Bubba should be getting along with the others soon enough. He just needs to learn."
Fine, he needed to go.
"Goodbye, Mister White." Maya would keep an eye on those two.