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Old 09-14-2010, 03:00 AM   #2331 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

Ferris, finishing off his scone, threw up his hands in defeat as Vince mentioned that they now had a confession, as he'd just admitted that he knew both charms and potions and therefore must've been using them on Vianna. "When she gets out of her bath, she's going to explain to you that I am not doing anything to her food!" he complained with a roll of his eyes, conjuring over a glass of water as Victor suggested that he do something about his marks, something which Vince immediately agreed with. Teasingly, Ferris flashed him a playful grin, "I dunno, I sort of like them," he joked as he headed around the furniture, plopping down on the armchair just to the side of the couch.

He let out a hearty chuckle as Victor mentioned that it wasn't very kind to remind Vince how deprived he was, brown eyes obviously amused as he glanced over at Vince. "It's not my fault Julia doesn't show affection," he muttered teasingly. He couldn't help but enjoy teasing Vince a bit, stretching his neck just a little too much to take another sip of his water, showing off a couple more of the marks Vianna had left on his skin. It was just far too amusing to see that expression on his face.

As though on cue, Julia marched into the room dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, though somehow still finding the need to wear heels. She marched in and plopped on the couch, planting a kiss to Vince's temple and only reiterating the appearance that Vince didn't get enough affection. Ferris laughed.
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