Haunts the Girls' Loo | Senstitive & Loud
Myrtle hovered in and out of him. "Welllll, it wouldn't be that hard to have you spend forever in my loo. Just a little... slip." Myrtle giggled, until the professor and the boy started talking to each other. Which meant the boy was ignoring her.
And.. and... and.. FLIRTING? Was that flirting? It sounded like flirting. "EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeEEEEEE," Myrtle wailed, crossing her arms. "You're supposed to be paying attention to me Dylan. You're my boyfriend now." Because, he had, after all, wanted to read with her and spend forever in her loo. "I can go wherever you go until you're ready to stay in the loo. Together. All the time."
__________________ You're always welcome to share my toilet. 
You do NOT just SWING on someone's PIPES without asking! |