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Old 09-14-2010, 01:38 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Text Cut: Phiil & Riisu <3
Originally Posted by Antarctica! View Post
"I guess I should know about the giantess Járnsaxa, seeing as Norse mythology is right up my cultural alley," Risu said, smiling his little smile, "but I have to admit, I have never delved much into mythology of any origin. I happily take your word for it in this matter."

The wooden floor creaked slightly as Risu walked around his desk. His feet led him to one of the high shelves on the wall. "As far as astronomical objects go... I am not a planetary scientist, so I could not say for sure, but the name suggests a moon to me." He tilted his head sideways to read the titles of the books, keeping up his chatter while he did so. "A moon of Saturn, if I am not mistaken. It is the only planet in the Solar System whose moons are not named solely after Greek or Roman mythology."

Risu poked the back of a large book triumphantly. "Hah. One moment, please, Davina..." He tugged at the tome (an encyclopaedia of Solar System objects published by the International Astronomical Union) until it unstuck from the rest of the row, and carried it to the desk.
"Now, watch your teacher work, Miss Della," he said to the young student sitting at his desk with a grin. He began flipping through the book. "Saturn, Saturn," he mumbled, skimming the pages rapidly. "Where is your Norse group of moons..." He stopped.

"Found it," he announced, and added, not without pride, "I was essentially correct. Jarnsaxa is an outlying moon of Saturn. Six kilometres in diameter, orbiting Saturn in retrogade mot-..." He stopped. Davina would hardly know what that meant. Or have to. "Erm... Orbiting Saturn at a distance of about 18 million kilometres." He glanced over the rest of the entry quickly. "Are you looking for anything in particular?"

Di tried [and failed] to shrug. The fact that she knew about Jarnsaxa the giantess, had its reasons.

Not a planetary scientist? "But... you teach astronomy," Di protested. He had to know. Because if he did not, that meant she would have to search for someone who did. It could take ages to find a person like that. Di frowwwwwned at the thought but, fortunately for her, Risu did seem to know something.

Wait. Retrogade motwhattt? Di blinked. Thankfully, Risu seemed to have decided that that information did not concern her.

Looking for something in particular? Did 'the same thing I have been for the past ten years' sound like a good idea? Um. No. "Thank you," Di said politely, glad at the realization that most of her wits seemed to have returned. "I thought you might know if..." She paused. "If there are people that are named after that planet." Planet? Oh great. "Err, moon. I mean... last names? Famous families?"

He would know, wouldn't he? Di realized a moment later that he most likely didn't. Yes, she knew about tribes, clans, people of that sort named after and devoted to runes. But those were not ordinary people and, most importantly, that had been a part of her degree. Necessary research. No such case here. Di decided she still had cause to hope - after all, someone related to planetymoonythings had a much better chance of knowing things like these than... someone like her.

Didn't he?

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