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At Selena's question, Kel looked at Jasmine and her gray-and-brown feathers, then shrugged. "Not really, no. I just got hte idea, and I thought it sort of fit. Jasmine sounds, to me, like a bit of a regal name. And Jazz here is more than a little spoiled." He tried not to think about how that might sound weird coming from an eighteen year old boy talking about a five inch tall owl. But, whatever.
"I completely spaced the treats," he told her, nodding his head slowly in mock-shame. "And Jasmine would've realized that soon enough, and would have started attacking my pockets if you hadn't shown up and generously shared one of yours." The sad thing was, was that he was being completely serious - not joking at all. Jasmine had an obsession. "I'm in my seventh year." he answered simply, with a sharp nod. "You?"
Selena giggled. The name seemed to be taller than the owl who wasn't exactly the biggest thing ever.
"Well, Jasmine's a pretty name," Selena said, and the flowers were pretty too. And the tea was yummy. Selena giggled when he said that Jasmine was a bit spoiled though. Personally she thought most owls were spoiled with treats and everything, it was a bit hard to find one that wasn't overfed by students.
Selena smirked.
"Maybe I should've let her attack you then, must be a sight to see," she teased. But Selena wasn't exactly fond of flying feathers and clawed faces, it looked painful.
"And it doesn't matter, I like feeding the owls... it's fun," she mused as Hollie flapped her wings a bit. She wondered how they kept their feathers so... white.
"Second year," Selena replied.
"So you're taking your N.E.W.T.'s this year then," Selena said, pointing out the obvious. Selena was good at that. Hehehe.