Witsy thought about the question for a minute and re-shifted in her chair. She stuck her hands under her legs playing with the fabric. "I, uh, I'm usually in this... it's usually always dark and I have my wand as like a flashlight. I start to hear things that end up chasing me or surrounding me but I always freeze. My wand wants to shoot things out and I see flashes of red and blue light. It allows me to see the shadow of the things around me but then..." Witsy started perspiring a little, her brown eyes getting glossy just at the thought. She yawned and continued, "...but then the flashes I see wrap around me like Devil's Snare and the creatures grab me suffocating me and then I wake... usually gasping. I don't know what they are but I wake up with marks sometimes and... yeah," Witsy looked back down towards her feet and softly mentioned, "These dreams are usually the same but happen in different scenarios." She started turning a pink color in embarrassment. |