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Finn smiled as he saw her blush. It was cute, and he did like it, although she probably didbn't. "Oh you know I'm epic." And a little vain, but she could look over that. She had better look over that nayway.
"Well that's good that I won't be stealing you." Finn grinned a little, because it was funny. Her brother would probably have killed him too. Darn. She had seen through the lie too, and Finn knew he would have to tell her. "Hey! The grass will be softer." He tried to defend himself. Well it was true, he just was trying to lie so. "But it's not the only reason you can't come." Even though he really would've loved for her to come. He gave her a snuggle before continuing. "I've already invited someone...." He gave her a look. She would know that it was a girl.
"It's a girl." Was she going to go all jealous on him now? They weren't even that serious. Heck. He didnt even know if she's dumped her boyfriend yet. "But I can promise you that nothing will happen while she's there."
Lex rolled her eyes at Finlay and giggled again. He was SO full of himself, but it was okay because she was a bit full of herself as well. They cancelled out one another's big headedness. Heh.
Lexi frowned at him and shook her head slightly. He had invited another girl home for Christmas. Great. That made her insides feel like a big old knot for some reason. She just looked at him and said, "
Well, you had a life before you met me. No harm done." She grit her teeth and just smiled a little. It bothered her, but it was not something that she could say anything about. Jake might be at her house for Christmas as it stood. She was no hypocrite so she kept her jealousy to herself.
If you say so, Finlay." she retorted. She HOPED nothing would happen between he and this girl, whomever she was. But, she didn't much care for the situation. She knew that she and Jake weren't doing anything... bad, but she didn't know about Finn and this girl. "
What's her name?" she asked out of morbid curiosity.