Hello Emily. You asked what we think. I'll tell you that as I read this, I got goosebumbs all over, and the further I got the more I got. I think my goosebumps had goosebumps. And when I got to the end, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. So, I think you did an outstanding job on your post tonight, this morning rather.
Emily untangled one of her hands from his and put her forefinger under his chin, bringing his face up to look at hers. Their eyes met and they stared at each other wordlessly. George’s fingertips grazed over her cheeks, wiping her tears away. He cupped the side of her face and she choked back a sob.
That ^ was my favorite part of the whole post. Love has no boundries, nor is it limited to the spoken word. The silence and the knowing look says everything.
I always miss reading about Harry, well, you know, because he's my hero. But, I'm really glad you're staying true to your story line. It isn't about Harry, it's about Emily.
You're an excellent writer when you aren't tempted to put other things in, simply because you know it is popular. I think it makes it better this way. Popular doesn't make it great. Staying with the storyline is the best way to go in my opinion.
Great post Emily. I'll be watching for your next.